Live like it’s yours to give away! That’s what the “unjust steward” did. He wasted his masters possessions and when he got caught, he ripped off his boss one last time! Then his master commended him! What is Jesus trying to tell us with this parable? The short answer is: He came to slash our debts to God to zero. And when we owe nothing to God, no one can owe us anything. The preaching of the Good News is an announcement that our debts are gone! Our witness to the world as Christians is that others’ debts of sin are gone too. Go and make friends by forgiving them! That’s how Jesus has saved you: by forgiving you! That’s this week as we celebrate the Ninth Sunday after Trinity.
School is starting! We have our Back To School Night this coming Thursday at 5pm. We’re making all sorts of changes and adjustments because of Covid but we’ll be here for our students to learn in a Christ-centered environment.
Want to help support the school? Buy some School Spirit Wear RIGHT HERE. You can also order some of those beautiful Countryside Mums. Paper order forms for mums (and Spirit Wear if you don’t want to shop online) are in the bulletin this week. Thanks for supporting our school!
Worship Guidelines
A reminder of the basics for worshiping at Zion right now
Sundays at 7:45 AM and 10:30 AM
Wednesdays at 7:00 PM.
All of these will be the same service. (Readings, hymns, etc.) STREAMING:
We will continue to stream and record one of our Sunday services (probably Early for now). These are available to watch live and recorded here:
We stream live on our FACEBOOK PAGE HERE.
Our videos are also live and recorded on YOUTUBE HERE.
The simplest way to watch online (not live) is probably through our church’s website HERE.
Key points to remember when you come for worship:
Wear your MASK once you are in the building. Masks WILL be available if you forget to wear one.
Maintain PHYSICAL DISTANCING; please do not gather in the Narthex. (If you want to visit with others, you can do so outside or in the gym between services).
CHECK IN with the Usher or Elder before the Service. We will NOT be using pew cards but will be taking attendance with a checklist.
Please DO NOT SIT IN PEWS MARKED WITH BLUE TAPE. We will be using every third pew. If a pew has a piece of blue tape on the end, do NOT use that pew. BLUE TAPE = DON’T SIT THERE.
Communicants will stand in line near the front pew, not at the rail. If you need to sit in the front pew for the Distribution, you may do so.
The Elder will follow the Host with the tray of Individual Cups and Pastor will follow with the Chalice. (This is the reverse of how we have been doing it; it will more easily indicate to pastor who desires to receive the Chalice).
Please PLACE YOUR BULLETIN IN THE RECYCLING BIN in the narthex unless you wish to take it home. Please do NOT stack it with the unused bulletins.
The OFFERING PLATE will be on the table in the Narthex. You may place your offering there before or after the service.
Also, two gentle reminders:
It is OK to stay home if you feel you are not ready to venture out just yet.
If you have any SYMPTOMS OF ILLNESS, please love your neighbor by staying home until you are symptom free and recovered.
Please reach out to me or your Elder if you have any questions about how the service will go. Bible Studies
Bible Studies meet on the following schedule.
Sundays, 9:15 am in the gym. Please bring your own snacks and coffee as refreshments will not be provided for the time being.
Tuesdays, 10:30 am in the Narthex.
Color A Stained Glass Window
Our church stained glass windows are turning into coloring sheets! Download the latest window HERE.
Jesus strolled around forgiving people like His Father’s grace and mercy were his to give away. And they were! That’s what saves us! Now that same forgiveness that has been given to us we can use for others to make friends and bless them! Forgiveness is the “currency” in God’s kingdom and it’s meant to be spent, not hoarded! See you in worship or catch us online this week!
In Christ,
Pastor Buetow
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here: