Friday, December 25, 2020
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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Merry Christmas! As we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary and laid in the manger of Bethlehem, remember: Christmas Day is the First Day of Christmas! Keep celebrating with the church around the world for the Twelve Days of Christmas through January 5th. While the world is ready to pack everything up and get the gift receipts for returning stuff, keep the lights and tree up and let’s keep singing the songs of Christmas, celebrating peace on earth and goodwill to all! In particular order, here are some things for which I thank the Lord this Christmas season here at the end of what has been a trying year for so many:
I am always eager and grateful to have been in church on Christmas Eve and Day to celebrate the birth of the Son of God in the flesh, the one born to Mary to be our Savior. It is a great blessing to be able to worship in person and I am glad that many feel comfortable doing so. Despite the precautions we must take such as masks and distancing, it is a joy to be able to come together in person to receive the Lord’s gifts.
I’m thankful for our ability to stream and record our services. For those who are not able to be here in person, we are very blessed to be able to share God’s Word via our streamed and recorded services so that the Body of Christ can continue to hear Christ’s saving words!
I am grateful that our school has been able to continue to be open for in-person learning. Thank you to our teachers and to our parents who have been extra vigilant and cautious. Despite having to wear masks and adjust how we do things, the students are doing wonderfully. I pray they all have a safe and happy Christmas Break!
Zion has completed many projects this year, the most notable of which has been our new parking lot. But we’ve had bathroom upgrades, new components for our sign out front, and the Board of Property has been replacing lights all around the building. I am thankful for the generosity and dedication of Zion’s members who have continued to present their offerings to the Lord so that we can continue to carry out the work of Christ’s church.
Not only with offerings for things around the building, but Zion, you’ve been enormously generous this Christmas with your support for a congregational family in need. (See the picture below). I am amazed and gladdened by your generosity in caring for others!
Thank you, everyone, for your prayers and support as we have navigated all the changes this year with Covid’s effects. Thank you for your prayers as I carry on the work of being your pastor and thank you for your patience when I can’t get to you as quickly as I’d like or for whatever I may have neglected. It is a joy to bring you the Lord’s gifts and it is a joy that you are eager to receive them in person, at home, at the hospital, or wherever it might be.
Finally, I am very thankful that as we begin another calendar year, we do it as we always have: in the Lord’s grace and mercy. Whatever will come, whatever will befall us, wherever we will go, we are secure in the nail-scarred hands of our Savior. There is no time or season that is outside of the Lord’s control or grace and that is what gives us confidence and hope each and every day.
Thursday, December 31, New Year’s Eve, 7pm (Livestreamed/Recorded)
Please NOTE the following;
This Sunday, December 27, we will NOT have a Livestream/Recorded service.
We will NOT have Learning the Faith or Sunday Bible Study on Sunday, December 27.
There is NO Tuesday Bible Study on December 29.
There will be NO WEDNESDAY SERVICE on December 30.
Offering envelopes for 2021 are now available on the table in the Narthex.
To watch the services live at the times listed above or the recording later on, use the following links:
As you celebrate Christmas over the next Twelve Days, I pray the peace and goodwill and hope and joy of Emmanuel’s birth will be the center of your celebration.
Thank you to Pastor Gary Peterson who is scheduled to fill in this Sunday while we enjoy a few days off. We’ll see you on New Year’s Eve at 7pm!
Merry Christmas in Christ!
Pastor Buetow
Thank You, Zion! – Gifts from our Family Giving Tree
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here:
This Week at Zion