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Church Email News – May 20, 2022


Friday, May 20, 2022

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Dear Zion Family,

Jesus tells us to ask anything of the Father in His Name. Woohoo! Genie in a bottle! New car! Lots of money! Every disease instantly cured! Um, not like that. We have prayer backwards. We think of prayer as us telling God what He should do and then if He doesn’t, we don’t think prayer works. But prayer is us learning to trust in the Lord and receive from Him every good gift He has for us. To pray isn’t to manipulate God; it’s to learn to trust His Word and promises. Prayer isn’t us convincing God to do our will; it’s learning His will and living in His grace with thanksgiving and joy. Sometimes we have lots we want to say to the Lord. Sometimes we can’t even find any words. To ask in Jesus’ Name is to pray as one who is baptized. It is as much to say, “Lord, you have called me to be your child; make good on your promises and work all things for my good and the good of those I pray for. Let your will be done and let me rejoice that your will is done because that will be the best for me and everyone!” To learn to pray is to grab a hold of Jesus’ own words and promises and ask that they be made real and happen for us. No wonder the Lord’s Prayer is the best prayer of all! That’s this Sunday, the Sixth Sunday of Easter!

We have several baptisms this Sunday as well as children receiving the Lord’s Body and Blood for the first time! As you see these families in church this week, please welcome them! Say hello to them and introduce yourself. Let them know that being a part of God’s family means being a part of our family, the Zion family. I want to especially point out that each of these families we are celebrating with this Sunday are here because of our school. As students at Zion, they’ve learned Jesus’ love every day; they’ve learned their catechism and they are ready to receive Jesus’ gifts.

The Ladies Guild Fundrive collecting clothing ends this Sunday. Bring in your bags full of clothes and linens (no socks or underwear). Bags will be counted this week and taken to Savers.

We’ll observe the Ascension of Our Lord this Wednesday. (Ascension is 40 days after Easter but we’ll celebrate a day early). We’ve celebrated Jesus’ resurrection and now is the time to rejoice in His ascending to the right hand of the Father in all his glory and majesty. It’s Good News! Come hear all about it this Wednesday!

We’ll begin having services at Fish Lake over the Summer beginning Sunday, May 29, 10:30am (Memorial Day weekend). This will be a Communion service (as will Labor Day weekend). Thank you to our Elders for coordinating and serving at Fish Lake. If you would like to help lead worship or help with Sunday School/Crafts, please let Pastor or Nick Marcellis know.

Our Vacation Bible School, “God’s Wonder Lab” is June 13-17, 9-11am.Children of all ages are invited! Don’t forget to use your VBS Offering envelopes if you’d like to help contribute toward materials and supplies for our VBS! You can stop by the Office to register your child in advance if you like.

Thank you to everyone who attended the Voters Meeting last Sunday. We elected officers and approved the 2022-23 Budget. Officers and Board members will be installed in August. (Our fiscal year and elected terms run from August to July).

Our school is now enrolling for next year. If you know anyone with children ages 3 years old through Second Grade, send them our way for more information on our Christ-centered academic excellence!


You can watch live and find recorded services at the links below:

We stream live on our FACEBOOK PAGE HERE.

Our videos are also live and recorded on YOUTUBE HERE.


Pray this week! Pray every day! Read God’s Word and then pray. Pray the Lord’s Prayer. Use a Prayer Book. Speak words from your heart, emphasizing God’s own Word and promises. As we pray, and the more we pray, we begin to realize that what’s happening is not that God is listening to us so we can get Him to do what we want; rather, He listens to us and fine tunes our hearts with His Word so that as followers of Jesus, we learn to live and find rest and comfort in all of God’s promises. It is, as the Large Catechism reminds us: we pray “that you may kindle your heart to stronger and greater desires, and make wide and open your cloak to receive much.” And we end every prayer with that Jesus-infused word of truth: Amen! Yes, yes, it shall be so! See you in the Divine Service!

In Christ,
Pastor Buetow

Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, and NewsNotes from our website here: