This week we’ll hear the story of the rich man and Lazarus. It’s very difficult to maintain the mental energy to be sad and worried and concerned about all the bad things that happen all over the world. Our access to instant information means we always know about terrible things even when they are far away from us. I think sometimes we think we have to be emotionally charged over every thing that happens everywhere. But when the Lord tells us to love our neighbors, He’s not asking us to feel bad for everyone everywhere ever! Rather, we can look as far as the rich man’s front gate, that is, the people around us, to see where there is a need that we can supply in the love of Christ. What makes it difficult to do that is our selfishness. The story of the rich man and Lazarus is surely a call to repentance for not loving our neighbor. But it’s also a reminder of the Good News that it is Jesus who rescues us from our sins. How was Lazarus saved? The same way we are: by grace. Not because he was poor or morally better than the rich man but because Jesus saved Him. Why did the rich man go to be tormented? Because he refused to acknowledge the Lord who reveals Himself in the Law and in Christ. You have a place with Abraham. And until we’re there, we are those through whom the Lord will bring others along to that same place at Abraham’s side in paradise. That’s this Sunday, the First Sunday after Trinity.
Jean Sund, long time Zion member, and mother of our Elder, Bill Sund has funeral arrangements as follows: Tomorrow, June 18:
9am – Visitation at Zion.
10am – Funeral Service at ZIon
Burial will be family only following the funeral service.
Our brother in Christ, Don Teegen fell asleep in Jesus early this morning. His arrangements are as follows in a couple of weeks: Tuesday, June 28:
4-8pm – Visitation at Colonial, McHenry Wednesday, June 29:
10 am – Visitation at Zion
11am – Funeral Service at Zion
Burial will be June 30, immediate family only.
Thanks to our great volunteers for a wonderful week of “God’s Wonder Lab: Jesus Does the Impossible,” Vacation Bible School. We had nearly 40 children for a fun week of worship, learning God’s Word, music, crafts, games, snacks, and FUN!
Our school is now enrolling for next year. If you know anyone with children ages 3 years old through Second Grade, send them our way for more information on our Christ-centered academic excellence!
You can watch live and find recorded services at the links below.
Our videos are also live and recorded on YOUTUBE HERE.
The rich man supposed if his brothers saw someone rise from the dead, they would believe. Jesus says they already have everything they need in the Books of Moses (the Old Testament). The fact is, just because Jesus rose from the dead doesn’t mean people will believe in Him. Faith comes through hearing the Word and is the work of the Spirit. We come before the Lord as Lazaruses – that is, poor and unable to save ourselves. Jesus does the saving and that’s what guarantees our place with Him forever. See you in the Divine Service!
In Christ,
Pastor Buetow
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, and NewsNotes from our website here: