Our Belief

We believe that the Christian school is one of the mission arms of the church. We strive to reach each child and their families with support and encouragement during this process. ``Go therefore and teach all nations...`` (Matthew 28:19).

Our Purpose

We believe that each child is a unique creation of God with his/her own gifts and abilities. We strive to encourage each child to reach their potential in the areas of spiritual, emotional, social, physical and intellectual development.


Zion Lutheran School provides Christ-centered, academic excellence.

Learning Statement

It is our philosophy that each student is an individual learner and advances at his/her own pace. Each student's self-esteem and success is at the core of our program. It is our goal that the curriculum be presented using multiple teaching strategies in order to meet the needs of each student. To ensure the best learning environment for each student, our teacher to student ratio is kept below the state requirements.

Classroom Instruction

Zion offers Preschool and Pre-K options for your child leading right into Kindergarten through 3rd Grade.

3 Year-Old, Full Day Preschool

Preschool Class:

  • Full Day Preschool, M-F, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

The perfect transition for children to begin learning classroom instruction.  Our caring staff will help your child with letter recognition & sound, writing letters, numbers, art, and science.  We believe that children can learn during instruction or at play.  Our circle time is supplemented with learning stations to make our “play time” also part of the learning process.  Full Day program includes recess, time for lunch, a nap, and additional afternoon learning and activities. Children must turn 3 by September 1 and be potty-trained.

Alphabet Bulletin Board

4 Year-Old, Full Day Pre-K

One of the few full day programs that you will find in the McHenry area. Our classes include circle time and reviewing letter recognition & sounds. We include sight words and early reading in our classroom as well as math, science and religion courses. Following recess and rest, the students will receive instruction in music, cooking, art, and technology. This class is intended for students entering Kindergarten the following year.

Early Elementary

  • Full Day Kindergarten
  • First Grade
  • Second Grade
  • Third Grade
  • Fourth Grade

Our comprehensive Kindergarten, First and Second Grades curriculum at Zion offers students the opportunity to learn and grow with us in Christ. Our classes include language arts, math, social studies, religion classes, and afternoon “specials” of music, cooking, art, and technology. Our small class sizes make it easy for children to excel well beyond their grade levels to prepare them for success beyond Zion. Children entering Kindergarten should be 5 years old before September 1, but exceptions will be made on an individual basis. For the 2023-24 Year, our Kindergarten and First Grade students learn together in a combined K/1 Classroom and Second and Third Graders share a 2nd/3rd Classroom.

Register your Child

To register your child, please follow the instructions on our Registration Page, or stop by the School Office.


Classes Days Registration Fee Monthly Tuition Church Member Tuition
Full Day Preschool, 3yo (9am-3pm) M-F $250 $450 $315
Full Day Pre-K, 4yo (9am-3pm) M-F $250 $450 $315
Full Day Kindergarten (9am-3pm) M-F $250 $450 $315
First Grade (9am-3pm) M-F $250 $450 $315
Second Grade (9am-3pm) M-F $250 $450 $315
Third Grade (9am-3pm) M-F $250 $450 $315
Fourth Grade (9am-3pm) M-F $250 $450 $315

School Policies

Full day school hours are 9am-3pm

*The Registration fee is due at the time of registration and is non-refundable. Monthly prices reflect the 2023-24 school year.

A birth certificate is required at registration for all children enrolling at Zion.

Discounts and Incentives 

  • There is a 30% discount for members of Zion. To learn more, please speak with the Pastor
  • There is a 10% discount on each additional student for families
  • There is a $100 referral credit offered following 3rd month of paid tuition
  • There is a 5% discount for paid-in-full


Additional Services Available

Bus Service

Bus service is available to all children enrolled in Kindergarten through First grade who live within the District 15 school boundaries.

Extended Care

  • Morning Extended Care available 7:00 – 8:45 am.
  • Afternoon Extended Care available 3:15 – 5:30 pm.
  • Drop in and monthly rates available.

Download information on our extended care program here

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