John’s at the Jordan! But he is not the Christ. Or Elijah. Or the Prophet. He’s the voice in the wilderness calling out to prepare the way of the Lord. That can only mean one thing: Jesus is going to be born. The God who is With Us is going to arrive in Bethlehem. John prepares the way. That’s the prophet’s job: to point people to the Lord. Same job as a preacher: Point people to Jesus. Hear the Good News of the Coming Savior this Sunday, the Fourth Sunday in Advent and then again as we celebrate Jesus’ birth on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
THANK YOU, ZION! Between Operation Christmas Child and the help we have been able to give to a family (to keep them in their home!) you have shown what a generous congregation of saints you are. Thank you for loving your neighbors near and far and using what the Lord has given you for the help and blessing of others! Our Giving Tree gifts will be delivered to the family this Sunday afternoon. Stay tuned for more opportunities to continue helping them as well as assisting others among us who are in need.
We have our ZION FAMILY CHRISTMAS PROGRAM this Sunday following worship. Stick around and let’s sing Christmas hymns. You pick! We’ll watch the children tell the Christmas story and then we’ll head to the gym fro some fellowship around hot chocolate and treats! It’s a Christmas party for all ages!
Here’s our Holiday Worship Schedule:
Christmas Eve (Monday) – 3pm, 7pm, 11pm. (candlelight at 7 and 11).
Christmas Day (Tuesday) – 9am
New Year’s Eve (Next Monday) – 7pm NO SERVICE both Wednesdays, Dec. 26 and Jan. 2
Bible Study Schedule:
Sunday, Dec. 30 – NO Learning the Faith (Resumes Jan. 6)
Tuesdays, Dec. 25 and 31 – NO Bible Study (resumes Jan. 8)
8am Bible Study will be held both Sundays over the holidays.
And, just for your calendar: We’ve got to UN-decorate the church after the Christmas season. We’ll do that Sunday, January 6 at 11:15 (after Learning the Faith). Stay to help because many hands make light work!
Come hear the voice crying out in the wilderness! Prepare the way of the Lord! He’s coming! He’ll be here in the Word and Sacrament this week.
See you in the Divine Service!
In Christ, Pastor Buetow
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here: