Gaudete! Rejoice! It’s the Rejoice Sunday in Advent! Wear your rose and pink. The rose candle is lit. The birth of the Savior is another week closer! What’s really great about this Sunday is how the theme is “rejoice” but we hear of John the Baptizer who is in prison. How do you rejoice in that? Faith clings to Jesus’ promise that all the signs He does point to Him as the Savior. Look to Jesus and hear His Word and you will know: He’s our Savior from sin and death! So rejoice! Wear pink! Tell the world that when it’s going crazy, we look to Jesus to be saved. That’s this weekend as we celebrate the Third Sunday in Advent.
Tomorrow is our LIVE NATIVITY from 4 PM to 7 PM. Stop by to see the Christmas story “live” and with live animals too! Children who come will receive a special gift! Then come inside to warm up in the gym with chili, hot chocolate and Christmas treats! And…
SATURDAY SERVICE WILL BE OUTSIDE AT THE MANGER. That’s right. It may be cold, but we’re going to gather at the manger tomorrow night (usual time, 6 PM) to receive Jesus’ gifts. It will be a shorter service with Communion. PLEASE NOTE: Only the Chalice will be used at this service. And again, afterward, come inside and warm up with some food and Christmas cheer!
This WEDNESDAY is our last ADVENT SUPPER at 5:30 PM and EVENING PRAYER WITH COMMUNION at 7 PM. Take some time out for receiving Christ’s gifts as we prepare for His birth.
Next Sunday, December 22, stick around after worship for our FAMILY CHRISTMAS SING ALONG AND PROGRAM. We’ll sing your favorite Christmas hymns and the children will tell the Christmas story. Everyone is invited. Also, we’ll be going CHRISTMAS CAROLING at 1 PM that Sunday. We’ll visit several homebound members and wrap up with supper provided at the Sundells’, our last stop.
Once again, our Christmas worship schedule is as follows:
Christmas Eve: 3PM, 7PM, and 11 PM. (same service; with candlelight).
Christmas Day: 9 AM
New Year’s Eve: 7 PM
NOTE: No Wednesday evening services on December 25 and January 1.
Don’t forget our Zion Family Giving Tree in the narthex. Can you spare something to help two church and school families this Christmas? Take a tag from the tree and bring back your gift by Sunday, December 22. Thank you!
Did John have doubts about Jesus? Those doubts were stilled by Jesus’ words and promises. He stills our doubts too that the devil, world, and flesh drive upon us. He clears them away and shines the light of His forgiveness, light, and salvation upon us. See you in the Divine Service this weekend!
See you in the Divine Service this weekend!
In Christ,
Pastor Buetow
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here: