It’s the Third Day of Christmas! Someting about French hens, which stood for “faith, hope, and love,” in the old interpretation of that song as different gifts and teachings of the Christian church. Keep celebrating Christmas, right up through Epiphany! This weekend we see Jesus arrive at the temple in Jerusalem as a baby. He is blessed by Simeon and then Anna and His parents marvel at the words spoken about Him. The Holy Spirit taught His people about Jesus even when He was an infant. Everything at Christmas concerning this special Baby still points us to His suffering, death, and resurrection, when He grows up. He came to save sinners! This weekend we celebrate the words of Simeon and the blessing of Anna for the First Sunday after Christmas.
We have service next week on NEW YEAR’S EVE at 7 PM. It’s the Eve of the Circumcision and Name of Jesus. What does the name “Jesus” mean? And why is it the best name to hear as we begin a new calendar year? Come find out! (Reminder that there’s NO service Wednesday evening, January 1).
On January 5th we’ll observe The Epiphany of Our Lord. After Learning the Faith we’ll TAKE DOWN OUR CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS. If you can spare any time to help out with that, it would be much appreciated.
The new year is coming and for the world that means all sorts of attempts at resolutions and fresh starts. But there is no better New Beginning than the one we have in Christ, who came to make all things new. The years are in His hands and each day of every year, you are precious in His sight. The Lord bless you in 2020 as you live in the forgiveness, life, and salvation Jesus brings.
See you in the Divine Service!
In Christ,
Pastor Buetow
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