Then Jesus lifted up His eyes, and seeing a great multitude coming toward Him, He said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat?” But this He said to test him, for He Himself knew what He would do. – John 6:5-6
Did you catch that? Jesus already knew what He was going to do. What about you? Do you know what you are going to do? I don’t. I don’t know what closure or restriction each new day will bring. I don’t know when we’ll be able to worship together in person again. I don’t know if and when our school will be able to be open. You may not know how you’re going to work or handle bills if your hours or entire job has been cut. What will you do if you catch the virus? So. Many. Questions.
But Jesus already knew what He was going to do. Jesus already knew that He would feed the 5,000 with just a little bread and fish. Jesus already knew that He was going to be lifted up on the cross to take our place in suffering and death. Jesus already knew that He would rise the third day, stripping death of its power to ever truly harm you. Jesus already knew. And He already knows. He knows what’s coming tomorrow and next week and next month. Faith trusts that Jesus knows even though we don’t. Faith trusts that He is in control when we are not. And we believe and trust in His forgiveness when we don’t believe all that He promises.
There’s so much good news to hear in the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000. More on Sunday when we stream our Matins service at 9am. Don’t forget: It’s Laetare so wear your rose pajamas while you sip your coffee and watch the service!
Here’s what’s new or the same since my email on Tuesday:
Easter Lilies
We’re still planning to have Easter Services (6m Sunrise and 7:45am and 10:30am Services). If you would like to order lilies in the hopes we have services, you’re welcome to drop your order at church or email the church office.
Ladies Guild Cancellations
The Ladies Guild Meeting on Tuesday, March 31 is Cancelled.
The April Rummage Sale has also been postponed. New date has not been determined.
Worship Services
No changes on our worship plans at the moment. They are:
Through April 1, all of our worship services will be streamed/recorded only. This includes Wednesdays, March 25, and April 1 and Sundays, March 22 and 29. Since there will not be Communion at these services, we’ll use Evening Prayer and Matins. This means there will be no Saturday service at all (since it is the same as the one that will be recorded on Sunday). Our worship services will be broadcast on our FACEBOOK PAGE live and then available for viewing later. We will be working to have them available on other platforms as well (e.g., Youtube). The worship bulletin will be available HERE as always.
DVDs of Worship Service
If you are unable to watch the Live-stream of our services or know of someone who cannot, please let Brandy in the Church Office and we will be sure to mail out a DVD of the service videos. We are also happy to send out copies of Portals of Prayer
Lenten Suppers
We will have no more Lenten Suppers this year.
We ask and encourage every family to consider their offerings that they would normally give to the church. Please mail your check or set up your bank account to make a direct bill pay to the church. I know there is a ripple effect in our economy. Please consider God’s promise that He will indeed provide us our daily bread. Our offerings help provide for our brothers and sisters in Christ through pastoral ministry and for those in need.
Easter Egg Hunt
We have not made an official decision on our Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 4. That decision will be pending based on how things unfold in the next two weeks. IF YOU HAVE FILLED EGGS, please hang on to them until the end of next week. We’ll let you know what to do with them if the egg hunt takes place.
Holy Week and Easter
No changes have been made to our Holy Week and Easter schedule of worship services at this time, again, waiting on how things develop.
Pastoral Visits
I am going to refrain from any in-person visits for the time being, unless it is a critical (emergency or end-of-life) situation. As much as I want to be among the flock and to bring the Sacrament to you, I think everyone needs to play their “social distancing” part as much as possible. I would feel awful if I were to pick something up and transmit it to others without knowing it! I will be checking up on folks by phone, text, email, Facebook, etc. Please be aware that I am not currently able to visit anyone at the hospital or in other facilities. PLEASE CALL ME IF YOU NEED ANYTHING AND I WILL DO MY BEST TO HELP.
Basic Needs
The longer this goes on, you or those you know may find yourself in need of basic supplies like groceries, etc. Please let me know how we can help and we will do our best as the Body of Christ to care for those among us who are in need!
Office Hours
The Church Office will be CLOSED next Monday and Tuesday. The rest of the week, Brandy is planning to be there during regular hours, subject to community restrictions, etc.
Loving Others in the Midst of Isolation
The world has changed for us all in a very short time. This is a tremendous opportunity to confess to the world our hope in a Savior who triumphs over sin and death. It’s also a tremendous opportunity the Lord is giving us to show love and concern for our neighbors and those in need. Here are some ideas for doing so:
Be in the Word. Join us for our worship services online as you are able. Read your Scriptures daily and pray often!
Check on those in need. If you know someone who lives alone or who doesn’t have nearby family or friends to help, reach out to them and see how you might be a helping hand.
Give generously to your church and those in need. The Lord will take care of you. He promises! And it is through you that He will take care of others!
Be patient with others. Panic and uncertainty make people do all kinds of crazy things and many will make decisions that we would not or are different from what we might do. Be patient with others, be considerate, be gentle, avoid judging how others handle a situation, and apply mercy and forgiveness to all those around you who are equally stressed and frustrated.
Brothers and sisters in Christ, I know that many of you are worried. Some of you are scared. I’ve never seen anything like this and I know we are all struggling how to navigate our responsibilities to society and one another. Make sure to stay connected to each other! If you are going stir crazy and just need someone to talk with, call me! We’re in this together but we have something greater than just the recommendations of science and the government. We have a Lord who has triumphed over sin and death such that we, His people, don’t need to fear anything! That is a powerful courage and love by which he will love others through us and comfort them. After all, He already knows what He is going to do!
FaceTime Ministry in the Age of Coronavirus!
In Christ,
Pastor Buetow
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here: