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Church Email News – December 3, 2021


Friday, December 3, 2021

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

You know the old saying, when you start to see the Christmas lights and hear the Christmas songs, Thanksgiving is near! Jesus tells us to be ready for His coming. We know the signs: the world around us is passing away. But Jesus doesn’t warn us to frighten us. He tells us these things to make us awake and alert for His coming in glory! “Lift up your heads!” Be alert! Be glad! Jesus is coming! That’s what Advent is all about. The decorations and readings of Advent remind us that Christmas is coming. Jesus, the Son of God is born of the virgin in Bethlehem. That same Jesus who grew up, died for our sins, and rose again, will return on the clouds of heaven in all His glory. For those who reject Jesus, worship themselves and other false gods, this is a scary day! But for you and all the Lord’s saints, it is a day of joy and gladness. Not a day to be afraid but a day to be excited as the Lord returns to fulfill His promise of raising us from the dead and making all things new. Advent prepares us for Christmas but also for our Lord’s Second Coming in glory. We are prepared by His Word and Body and Blood in the meantime as those gifts call our attention to repentance and faith in our Savior. Jesus is on His way! Look up! Smile! He’s coming for you! That’s this Sunday, the Second Week of Advent.

As we bear one another’s burdens in the Body of Christ, I’ll let you all know that this past week my doctor confirmed that I have prostate cancer. I’m due for some scans in a couple of weeks and provided those look ok, then I’ll likely have surgery in January. Please keep me in you prayers! (I’ve let folks at church know as I’ve seen them and will let everyone know on Sunday as well.) Thank you for all your love and support that you give to me and Susan!

If you would like to order a poinsettia for decorating the chancel at Christmas, you can do so using the form in the bulletin this week. You can also call the office for more information.


Our Live Nativity is SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 5 -7pm 

We need VOLUNTEERS for each of the four 30 minute slots to be cast members for the Nativity.

We also need some food items to compliment our chili that will be provided.

SIGN-UP on the posters in the Narthex.


Here are worship times for Advent and Christmas Services
Wednesdays, December 8, and 15 – 7pm Advent Midweek Services
Wednesdays, December 22 and 29 – NO SERVICES
Christmas Eve, Friday, December 24 – 3, 7, and 11pm Divine Services
Christmas Day, Saturday, December 25 – 9am Divine Service
Sunday, December 26 – 8am Bible Study; 9am Divine Service; No Learning the Faith
Friday, December 31 – 7pm New Year’s Eve Divine Service

Peter continues his post-Covid battle and may now need a lung transplant. You can continue to send your cards and letters of encouragement to him and Robin here:
Lutheran General Hospital MICU
Attn: Peter Pollack, Room 12
1775 Dempster Street
Park Ridge, IL 60068
UPDATE: They are slowly trying to wake Peter up. Doctors are hoping he can recover without needing a lung transplant, but that is a possibility depending on how things go. Thank you for your continued prayers!

We are currently wearing our masks during worship. At this time there is no restriction on capacity or seating arrangements. Please consider the well-being of your neighbor most especially by staying home if you have any symptoms of illness. As always, you can get in touch with me to request a visit if you can’t be in church. Thank you for your patience and understanding and love of neighbor in all of this!

You can watch live and find recorded services at the links below:
We stream live on our FACEBOOK PAGE HERE.
Our videos are also live and recorded on YOUTUBE HERE.
The simplest way to watch online (not live) is probably through our church’s website HERE.


Jesus is coming! He came in the flesh in the womb of Mary and was shown forth in His birth at Bethlehem on Christmas. He comes to us now in water, Word, and Body and Blood. He will come again in glory on the clouds of heaven. Each time Jesus shows up, it’s to save us, forgive us, bless us, restore us, help us, comfort us, strengthen us, and confirm God’s promises to us that we are His beloved people. That’s reason right there to lift up our heads and be glad that our salvation draws near! See you in the Divine Service this week!

In Christ,
Pastor Buetow

Baptism of Willow and Logan!

Thank you to everyone who helped decorate!

Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, and NewsNotes from our website here: