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Church News – December 24, 2021


Friday, December 24, 2021

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Dear Children of God,

Do you want to hear some good news for a change? Ok then! Today is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord. The world when Jesus was born was just as chaotic and uncertain as it is today. And it seems like the world takes no notice of what happens in that stable. But the shepherds know because the angel told them. Good news. For ALL people. For you and me. If we are familiar with the Christmas story, so much that we sometimes think we’ve heard it all before, that’s actually good news! It reflects the fact that this story doesn’t change. This good news doesn’t go out of fashion or need an update. No matter what generation hears it, the news that the Savior is born is good news! It’s good news because in this mess of a world in which we sorrow and hurt, Jesus, who is “Emmanuel-God with us” is here to save us. The Son of God who was born a child of Mary came to make us children of God, part of His family. Good news! Christ, the Savior is born! Come celebrate that birth, that gift that is far better than whatever we’ll unwrap under the tree and far more lasting…even to eternal life!


Here are worship times for the next week.

Christmas Eve, today, December 24 – 3, 7, and 11pm Divine Services (all concluding with Silent Night by candlelight).
Christmas Day, Saturday, December 25 – 9am Festival Divine Service.
Sunday, December 26 – 8am Bible Study; 9am Divine Service for the Festival of St. Stephen; No Learning the Faith.
Friday, December 31 – 7pm New Year’s Eve Divine Service.
Sunday, January 2 – 8am Bible Study; 9am Divine Service for Epiphany (observed); Taking down Christmas decorations after the service.

Please note: for Christmas Eve, our Livestream will be the 7pm service.

Peter’s only real course of recovery now is a lung transplant. Please pray that he can get on the transplant list. They are trying to wake him and demonstrate his viability for transplant. You can continue to send your cards and letters of encouragement to him and Robin here:
Lutheran General Hospital MICU
Attn: Peter Pollack, Room 12
1775 Dempster Street
Park Ridge, IL 60068

We are currently wearing our masks during worship. At this time there is no restriction on capacity or seating arrangements. Please consider the well-being of your neighbor most especially by staying home if you have any symptoms of illness. As always, you can get in touch with me to request a visit if you can’t be in church. Thank you for your patience and understanding and love of neighbor in all of this!

You can watch live and find recorded services at the links below:
We stream live on our FACEBOOK PAGE HERE.
Our videos are also live and recorded on YOUTUBE HERE.


Of course we know that Jesus isn’t in the manger anymore. But that fact that He is born and put in a manger is a reminder that our Savior is never just anywhere but in a particular place for us. Now that practical place is His church: the font, the altar, the scriptures and the preaching of the Gospel. I hope and pray the Good News of the birth of the Savior will be the center of your Christmas celebrations. See you in the Divine Service!

In Christ,
Pastor Buetow

Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, and NewsNotes from our website here: