Temptation means trying to break someone. When Satan tempts us, he’s trying to bend us until we break, and breaking means not trusting in the Lord. Who better than to try to bend and break than the Son of God? If Satan can bend Jesus past the breaking point, he can destroy any hope of our salvation. After His Baptism, Jesus is led into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. Except Jesus doesn’t fail. He doesn’t bend or break, despite having fasted 40 days and 40 nights. Jesus trusts in the Father over all things. Where you and I would break and yield in an instant, Jesus holds firm and doesn’t yield to Satan’s tempting. Now here’s the important part. You are baptized into Christ. That means that everything that Christ has is yours. When Satan tempts you, you are not on your own. You have the power and strength of Christ. More than that, you have His victory. It’s as if Satan can try to break us but we can reply, “But Christ has already beaten you, devil. Take a hike, because His victory is my victory and you have no power over me!” This battle between Jesus and the devil is a big theme in our Lenten worship. We are gathered by the Spirit to hear and rejoice in Christ’s victory on our behalf and that His victory is ours to shut the devil up. That’s this Sunday, the First Sunday in Lent, the season of Jesus fighting for us!
Help support Zion’s Cub Scout Pack #214 at their Pancake Breakfast tomorrow from 9-11:30 AM at the McHenry Moose Lodge. It’s all you can eat pancakes, bacon, sausage, and drinks. You can buy tickets ahead of time at THIS LINK.
Sunday, 8:00 AM – The Book of Daniel. What does this prophet have to say for us today? How does Daniel point to Christ?
Learning the Faith – A look at the ways that Jesus demonstrates He is really the Christ and the Son of God.
Tuesdays at 10:30 AM – Reading the Book of Exodus. God saves His people and keeps His promises!
Youth Groups meet this Sunday: High School at 4:30 PM and Middle School at 6:00 PM. Join us for Bible Study and some fun!
Join us each Wednesday in Lent at 5:30 PM for a meal before worship. Suppers are hosted by different boards, committees, and members of the church and will continue each Wednesday through March 20. Then take some extra time to receive the Lord’s gifts in the Divine Service at 7 PM. The February 28th Supper is a potluck for all members to bring. Please sign up on the sheet in the narthex if you can help provide for this particular supper.
Do you know someone who suffers from gender dysphoria? Like many such struggles, it is hard to comprehend if it is not an affliction we bear. How can we share the love of Christ with someone who is transgender? On Friday and Saturday, March 15 and 16 we’ll be hearing from Greg Eilers on the topic of transgender Christians. Greg is a retired Missouri Synod pastor who struggled with this very thing. He’ll give us a biblical and compassionate look at how to understand and love our neighbors who are transgender. Why have a speaker on this topic? Probably someone you know has someone among their family or friends who identifies as transgender. We often think something like “How can a man want to be a woman?” The issue is far more complicated than that. Gender dysphoria exists because of the Fall as so many other difficulties do. We’re taking this opportunity to be educated about the issues surrounding transgender but also to learn how to be loving and compassionate to everyone around us. Detailed information about the event and the speaker is available on the table in the narthex. You can also download the flyer at THIS LINK.
If you’re planning to attend, please register for a (free) ticket online HERE. (You can also call the Church Office to reserve a spot). This will help us with planning for food for the event.
Our school’s “Tacos and Trivia” night is on Saturday, April 13, 6-9pm. Gather a team of your family and friends to purchase a table and be part of the party. Food will be provided (BYOB), there will be basket raffles of items from local businesses, and prizes for best decorated team tables. It’s going to be a fun night to benefit our school as we raise money for additional swings and playground equipment. Registration forms are available on the table in the narthex. Tables of up to 8 are $150 and Individual Registrations are $25 (and we’ll put you at a table with others).
Reminder that we are only live-streaming on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month (and special services as announced).
You can watch live and find recorded services at the links below.
We stream live on our FACEBOOK PAGE HERE.
Our videos are also live and recorded on YOUTUBE HERE.
One question I often hear is, “Why did God put that tree in the garden of Eden if He knew mankind would sin?” The answer is in Jesus’ words to Satan that “man does not live by bread alone but by every Word from the mouth of God.” Lent is a time to reflect on our lives: Do we treasure and desire the Word of God above all things? We know the answer. We love lots of things more than God’s Word. That’s why it’s so important to hear and know that Jesus’ faithfulness is counted as yours. Our hope is far more than that Jesus is an example for us but that He is the One who stands in our place and whose victory counts for us. His defeat of the devil is your defeat of the devil. See you in the Divine Service to rejoice in that victory!