Dear Saints of the Lord,
Today is the Presentation of Our Lord and the Purification of Mary. 40 days after Jesus was born, Joseph and Mary presented Him in the temple and offered the sacrifice of turtledoves to redeem the firstborn. Of course, Jesus is the firstborn, only-begotten Son of the Father who will redeem all humanity. His parents fulfill the Law of Moses for him but Jesus will grow up fulfilling all of God’s Laws and will in order to be our perfect substitute. This is also the time when Simeon and Anna got to hold Baby Jesus. Simeon sang, “Lord, now let your servant go in peace!” It’s the same song we sing after Communion, when we have been given the Body and Blood of the Savior. This Sunday is Sexagésima. You know, about 60 days until Easter. We’re changing up the Gospel for our Guest Pastor who will be preaching on Jesus healing the sick and driving out demons. That too points the way to His victory over death and hell as He goes to Jerusalem to His suffering and death. Our attention is always on Jesus who does all that is needed to save us and give us eternal life!
Please welcome Pastor Greg Hoffmann this week for 8 AM Bible Class and leading worship and preaching at 9 AM. Pastor Hoffmann is retired and lives in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Pastor Buetow and Susan are attending the Baptism of their granddaughter in Cedar Rapids.
Our Sunday Bible Class continues to read through Matthew’s Gospel at 8:00am each Sunday.
Learning the Faith – No Learning the Faith this week as Pastor will be out of town.
Tuesdays at 10:30 AM – Reading the Book of Exodus. God saves His people and keeps His promises!
Reminder that there is no Youth Group this Sunday. We’ll meet on Sunday, February 18: High School at 4:30 PM and MIddle School at 6:00 PM.
Save the Date for our Lenten Speaker Series on Friday and Saturday, March 15 and 16. This year we’ll be hearing from Greg Eilers on the topic of transgender Christians. Transgender is something many of us are aware of but probably don’t understand. Greg is a retired Missouri Synod pastor who struggled with this very thing. He’ll give us a biblical and compassionate look at how to understand and love our neighbors who are transgender. Why have a speaker on this topic? Probably someone you know has someone among their family or friends who identifies as transgender. We often think something like “How can a man want to be a woman?” The issue is far more complicated than that. Gender dysphoria exists because of the Fall as so many other difficulties do. We’re taking this opportunity to be educated about the issues surrounding transgender but also to learn how to be loving and compassionate to everyone around us. Detailed information about the event and the speaker is available on the table in the narthex. You can also download the flyer at THIS LINK.
If you’re planning to attend, please register for a (free) ticket online HERE. (You can also call the Church Office to reserve a spot). This will help us with planning for food for the event.
Our school’s “Tacos and Trivia” night is on Saturday, April 13, 6-9pm. Gather a team of your family and friends to purchase a table and be part of the party. Food will be provided (BYOB), there will be basket raffles of items from local businesses, and prizes for best decorated team tables. It’s going to be a fun night to benefit our school as we raise money for additional swings and playground equipment. Registration forms are available on the table in the narthex. Tables of up to 8 are $150 and Individual Registrations are $25 (and we’ll put you at a table with others).
Reminder that we are only live-streaming on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month (and special services as announced).
You can watch live and find recorded services at the links below.
We stream live on our FACEBOOK PAGE HERE.
Our videos are also live and recorded on YOUTUBE HERE.
Jesus’ ministry began with a lot of miracles: healings, driving out demons, even raising the dead. Those are all great, but the purpose was to show that Jesus has the power to do those things as the Son of God. Those signs and miracles are the prophetic indicators that Jesus is the Christ, the Savior, the One who will save us from our sins. Lots of people wanted to get near Jesus to receive His blessings. So we come to church, to the Divine Service, for Jesus to forgive and heal and strengthen us unto life everlasting. See you in the Divine Service!
In Christ,
Pastor Buetow