Dear Members and Friends of Zion,
How does a guy who cheats his boss get a pat on the back by the same boss? And what does that even have to do with the kingdom of God? Sounds like a good angle for a sermon. It’s the story of the “Dishonest Steward.” That’s this weekend, the Ninth Sunday after Trinity.
Bummer! We were going to have a Family Game Night this Sunday but they’re stripping and waxing the floor in the gym. So we’ll postpone and have a Game Night sometime in August.
I’ll be out of town the later part of this coming week. Please note there is NO WEDNESDAY SERVICE this coming Wednesday (August 1).
We’ll continue our efforts to help keep Faith Lutheran High School open with another Door Offering after services this weekend. If you weren’t able to give last week, or you happened to come into a bunch of money since, please consider adding something to this Special Offering. Over half of the needed funds have been raised by individuals and churches. Thank you for your help and support of our Lutheran High School. We can do this!
See you in the Divine Service this weekend!
In Christ, Pastor Buetow