If you think of things to say at a funeral, “Don’t cry!” doesn’t really seem to be the nicest or most understanding. Of course we cry! But that’s exactly what Jesus tells a widow who is on her way to bury her son. Jesus says that because of how He takes care of death. To Jesus, death is nothing. Powerless. And it is powerless for us too, who are in him. That’s this weekend as we hear the Gospel for the 16th Sunday after Trinity.
This past week, we’ve had some resignations from positions on our Church Council and Boards. John Kula, Chairman; Doug Lobitz, Vice-Chairman; and Mandi Kula, Board of Christian Day School. We thank them for their years of service and all that they’ve done for Zion! If you know of anyone who might be qualified and willing to serve in these positions, please let Pastor or the Elders know. We will approve those individuals on an interim basis at our November Voters Meeting.
Next Sunday, our Dayschool children will be singing in church. Please join us afterward for an Ice Cream Social in the gym. We’ll follow that with a shortened Learning the Faith. Also that Sunday: YOUTH AND PARENTS are invited for lunch and doing some planning at 11:30. Join us!
Sign up for the Richardsons Farm trip on Sunday, September 30 at 1pm. We’ll hang out by the fire, check out the corn maze, and have lots of fall fun. All Zion members and friends, all ages are invited to join us!
Thank you to everyone who purchased Mums from the School’s ZPN fundraiser. We’ve actually sold out! We appreciate your support. Enjoy the flowers!
There are lots of things that hit us during the week: conflicts, illnesses, difficulties, sadness, frustration, struggles with our own failings, and much more. Those are all symptoms of sin in the world and the death that is around the corner. That’s why it’s so important that you are in the Lord’s house hearing of Christ’s victory over death for you! That’s good at the end of your life, when you fall asleep in Jesus and are raised on the Last Day. But it’s good now as you live a life that treat death like Jesus does, like it’s no big deal!
See you this weekend in the Divine Service where those gifts are given!
In Christ, Pastor Buetow