How do you know the Lord will take care of you? Birds and flowers. Does the Lord take care of them? Do they worry about what they will eat or wear? No and neither should we! Clothing and food. Life’s necessities, yet no problem for your heavenly Father to provide for you. And there’s even greater proof than birds and flowers: God’s only-begotten Son, given for you! That’s the real God. The one who can actually save you and take care of you. Hear more this weekend as we celebrate the 15th Sunday after Trinity.
Thank you for everyone’s support of our school by way of Mum and Spirit Wear orders! Mums can be picked up starting this Wednesday (Sept. 12) and Spirit Wear will take a few weeks to be delivered.
This Sunday, we’ll install our Officers and Board members. If you are an office or board member, please be at church if possible! Thank you for your service. Let’s pray for our Officers and Boards and help them as they lead us in caring for our church property, our staff, and most of all, making sure the Gospel is proclaimed!
Also this Sunday we have “Rally Day!” It’s really just a great big reminder that it’s time to recommit to hearing and studying God’s Word. We have Tuesday Bible Study at 10:30am and Sunday Early Bible Study at 8am. Learning the Faith starts fresh this Sunday, too, at 10:15 (after church) and that’s for ALL ages. It’s also the one that will have the donuts and coffee! Join us as we help our catechumens prepare for receiving Christ’s body and blood (First Communion), as we review the Catechism, and as we hear the story of Jesus’ life from the Gospel of Luke.
Just a couple of other reminders for later in the month:
Sunday, September 23, we’ll have an ice cream social after worship when our school children sing.
Also, Sunday, September 23, at 11:30 we’ll have a Youth Planning Lunch to discuss youth activities for the year and plan for our Higher Things Conference trip next summer. Youth and parents are encouraged to be there!
Sunday, September 30 we’ll have Fall Family Fun at Richardson Farm. There’s the corn maze and lots of other fall favorites. Everyone is invited, young and old, whether your kids are little or grown (or you don’t have kids). It’s a Zion Family event. Sign up sheet is in the narthex.
Fall is a busy time but it’s a great opportunity to be back in God’s Word and learning and growing together. See you around the Lord’s gifts in the Divine Service this weekend!
In Christ, Pastor Buetow
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here: