Which is the greatest commandment? How would you answer? How can Jesus be the son of David and David’s Lord? How would you answer? The answers, of course, are what saves you. Jesus loves the Father and He loves His neighbor—you! He is true God for you to worship and true man whose death and resurrection save you. Come hear Jesus tangle with the “experts” in the Law as we worship on the 18th Sunday after Trinity.
The plan is to go to Richardson Farm Sunday, 1pm. We’ve got a fire pit and picnic table reserved to be our “home base.” From there we can enjoy the corn maze, wagon rides, and all the other fun stuff at the farm. Adults are $17 and $14 for ages 3-12. If the weather is bad, we’ll plan to cancel the trip.
We’d like to add the names of immediate family members who are currently serving in our military branches to our weekly prayers. If you have an immediate family member who is in one the Armed Forces, let pastor or the Office know and we’ll include them. We’re grateful for their service.
We’ve been having some great discussions in our Galatians (Sundays at 8am) and Matthew (Tuesdays 10:30am) Bible Studies and our Learning the Faith (Sundays 10:15) is lots of fun for children and adults. We have 15 young people preparing to receive Communion! It’s very exciting. If you don’t attend a Bible Study, why not check one of them out? It’s the perfect place to ask questions and learn and grow. Bible Study is for learning God’s Word, not showing your expertise and you’ll never be asked to answer or read if that makes you uncomfortable. Just come and grow in the strength and comfort of God’s Word!
Lots of things coming up in October including the Ladies Guild Rummage Sale (Oct. 11-13), Youth Escape Room trip (Oct. 14), Zion Culver’s Night for the School (Oct. 15), and a Game Night and Bonfire (Oct. 21). Watch the NewsNotes for more details on all of those events.
Jesus is true God and true man. He died and rose. All for you. See you in the Divine Service this weekend!
In Christ, Pastor Buetow
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here: