Wait, only God can forgive sins, right? But Jesus (who is True God and True man) forgave sins and the crowds marveled that such authority had been given to a man. We’ve believe that “when the called ministers of Christ, deal with us by His divine command…and forgive the sins of those who repent, it is just as valid and certain in heaven as if Christ our dear Lord dealt with us Himself.” That’s why pastors say, “In the stead and by the command” and “as a servant of Christ and by His authority.” It’s a verdict, a great big, “not guilty” verdict! And it’s the Good News we need to hear most. Join us this 19th Week after Trinity!
The Ladies Guild Fall Rummage Sale is this coming week. Bring your items to donate Monday through Wednesday. The sale is Thursday-Saturday (8-5; 8-3; 8-Noon).
Lots of other things coming up in October including a Youth Escape Room trip (Oct. 14), Zion Culver’s Night for the School (Oct. 15), a Game Night and Bonfire (Oct. 21), and Trunk Or Treat (Oct. 28). Watch the NewsNotes for more details on all of those events.
I know the lame man wanted to walk, but what he needed most of all, Jesus had for him: forgiveness of his sins. It’s what we all need most! And we’ll receive that forgiveness in the Divine Service!
See you this weekend!
In Christ, Pastor Buetow
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here: