There’s not much good news on the news. There’s lots for people to complain about. It seems clear that all over the place, the world is falling apart. When we see and hear all that, Jesus doesn’t say, “Agree with people and complain about it!” He says, “Lift up your heads and rejoice because your salvation is right around the corner!” The crazy holiday season is a time to do exactly that and we’ll hear about it as we celebrate the Second Sunday in Advent this coming week.
Come out tomorrow (Saturday) from 4-7 for the LIVE NATIVITY. Stop by for a bowl of chili and to see the manger scene and animals. Children get a special gift when they come by.
Next Sunday, December 16, we’ll go CHRISTMAS CAROLING around town. We’ll meet at church at 1:00 and head to out for a few hours to bring some Christmas cheer to shut-ins and those in nursing homes. We’ll be back around 5pm.
On Sunday, December 23, we’ll have our ZION FAMILY CHRISTMAS PROGRAM. It’s a time of singing our favorite Advent and Christmas hymns, seeing the Christmas story portrayed, and enjoying some sweet treats and fellowship afterward. It will take place following the service, in place of Learning the Faith, around 10:15am. Stay around and enjoy!
There’s lots of things we do to prepare for and celebrate the birth of Jesus. Probably my favorite are the Christmas services themselves. They’re as follows: Christmas Eve – 3:00pm, 7:00pm, and 11:00pm. Christmas Day – 9:00am New Year’s Eve (Name of Jesus)– 7:00pm.
Remember we will NOT have service on the Wednesday of December 26 and January 2.
Lift up your heads! Rejoice! Jesus is coming! He’ll be there in the Divine Service this weekend and I’ll see you there too!
In Christ, Pastor Buetow
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