“Behold! Your King comes to you, riding on a donkey!” Wait a minute! Aren’t we getting close to Christmas, not Easter? Why are we hearing about Palm Sunday? There are two times in the Church Year we hear of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey: in Advent, before He is born on Christmas and on Palm Sunday, before He dies and rises. I guess you could say that when we hear the story of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey, something big is about to happen! Happy Advent, then, as we begin a new church year and prepare to celebrate Jesus’ birth on Christmas!
CHURCH DECORATING! We’re going to decorate for Christmas around the church THIS SUNDAY, December 2, around 11:15am. (After Learning the Faith). Come out and spend as long as you can to help us get up the Christmas trees and other decorations. We’ll order some pizzas and have a bit of fun as we decorate for Christmas!
ADVENT SUPPER AND SERVICES. Advent Wednesdays begin next week. Join us for Supper at 6pm and then Divine Service at 7pm. This year, we’ll be hearing the stories that come immediately prior to Jesus birth: The annunciation of John the Baptist, the annunciation of Jesus’ birth, and the birth of John. Come and hear how all these are getting us ready for the birth of the Son of God in the flesh!
Here’s a few other things to keep in mind for the holiday season:
Saturday, December 8, 4-7pm – Live Nativity
Sunday, December 16, 1pm – Christmas Caroling
Sunday, December 23, 10:15am – Zion Family Christmas Program
Festival Service times are as follows: Christmas Eve – 3pm, 7pm, 11pm
Christmas Day – 9am
New Year’s Eve (Circumcision and Name of Jesus) – 7pm
There will be NO Divine Services on Wednesday December 26 or Wednesday January 2.
There’s a lot going on around the holidays. Please remember to pray for and check on those for whom the holidays are not a happy time. As you shop, bake, and prepare in this month, I hope you’ll take time to prepare for our Lord’s birth through the hearing of God’s Word and receiving His body and blood.
See you in the Divine Service this weekend!
In Christ, Pastor Buetow
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here: