“The kingdom of God is like the master of a house who went out early to hire laborers.” Except the guy in Jesus’ story isn’t like any master of any house I’ve ever heard of! Jesus’ parables always seem to be about relatable things—guys getting hired to work or farmers sowing seed—and yet the people in the parables don’t act like the ones in our world. That’s because the Kingdom of God doesn’t work anything like the way the world does. God’s kingdom of grace is very unlike anything we know around us. Come hear of the guys who work different hours all day but all get paid the same as we celebrate the Sunday of Septuagesima. (That’s Latin for “only 70 shopping days until Easter!)
Zion Family Giving – Urgent Need. I’ve been made aware of a family’s immediate need for some help with groceries and food. Please consider bringing non-perishable food items or even grocery story gift cards to church this Sunday so we can assist this family and help them make it to the next pay day! It’s what we do as we care for one another in the body of Christ! Thank you, Zion!
A reminder that we will NOT have Bible Study this coming Tuesday. We’ll resume on February 26 at 10:30am. If you haven’t joined us as we read the Gospel of Matthew, you really should if you can. It’s a lot of fun and learning each week as we read and study together.
School Enrollment for the 2019-20 year is underway. If you know of anyone with little ones, let them know about Zion! We have full and half-day program for 3 year olds all the way through First Grade. We’re happy to give tours and more information.
When it comes down to it, God is not fair! But that’s a good thing! Find out why in the Divine Service this weekend!
In Christ, Pastor Buetow
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here: