Hosanna in the highest! The Son of David! Jesus comes in the Name of the Lord, riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. He’s the King. And He’ll be crowned with thorns and His throne will be a cross of wood. This weekend we begin Holy Week, with the Procession of Palms and the reading of St. Matthew’s account of our Lord’s Passion (suffering and death). All this week we’ll hear the Gospel writers tell of us Jesus’ suffering and death. I hope you’ll join us for the services this week and take time to contemplate the Lord’s work of salvation and receive His gifts!
FAMILY FUN NIGHT IS TONIGHT! 5-8 PM. We’re excited! We’re ready! Come on out and have a great time and show your support for our school. So many great items for our Basket Raffles and our Silent Auction. Food, games, fun, balloon animals, face-painting, DJ and so much more. See you tonight! Checks, cash, and credit cards are all accepted.
And tomorrow is the EASTER EGG HUNT at 10 AM. Bring out all the kids ages up to 12 years and see the Easter Bunny, hear the Easter Story, and go on a mad dash for oodles of candy-filled eggs! See you tomorrow!
And then it’s HOLY WEEK. Remember we have services every day this coming week at 7pm. Monday through Wednesday we hear more of the stories of our Lord’s Passion from the Gospels. Maundy Thursday we remember the institution of the Lord’s Supper and conclude with the Stripping of the Altar. Good Friday celebrates the death of Jesus with the service of darkness and the Sacrament of the Altar. Saturday is the Easter Vigil at 6pm. Easter Morning services are at 7:45 and 10:30 AM. Join us for Easter Breakfast at 9 AM, hosted and provided by our Elders. No cost! Nothing to bring! Just come and enjoy fellowship and the joy of Easter.
Holy Week is probably my favorite time of the year at church. The whole week is focused on one thing: the Good News of what Jesus has done for us and the opportunity to receive the gifts He has for us. The world fades away and our hope and joy and celebration are all that our Lord has accomplished for our sakes. A happy and blessed Holy Week to you and we’ll see you in church!
In Christ, Pastor Buetow
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