“Given and shed for you, for the forgiveness of sins.” So begins the Sacred Triduum, a fancy word for the Holy Three Days – Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. Everything comes down to this: Jesus going to Calvary for the sins of the world and declaring, “It is finished!” Your salvation is a done deal. Now, come and receive the gifts of Jesus, the fruits of His cross, the blessings of forgiveness, life and salvation. Here’s information about our upcoming services through Easter:
The Holy Three Days began last night with MAUNDY THURSDAY. “Maundy” comes from “mandate,” the Latin word for “commandment.” As in when Jesus says, “A new commandment I give you to love one another.” Jesus give us His body and blood for the forgiveness of sins. We live our lives loving others as He has loved us, and then are gathered back into the church for His Supper. It’s the cycle of our Christian life.
GOOD FRIDAY – TODAY (FRIDAY), 7:00 PM. The Good Friday service is centered on the account of Jesus’ suffering and death as recorded by St. John, who was himself one of the people right there at the cross. The sanctuary gradually darkens until the death of Jesus is heard. St. Paul says that as often as we “eat this bread and drink this cup, we proclaim the Lord’s death.” What more fitting day to receive Jesus’ body and blood in the Sacrament of the Altar.
EASTER VIGIL – SATURDAY, 6:00 PM. In the old days, the Easter Vigil was a true vigil, a watching and praying throughout the night. It is still a long service with six parts: The Services of Light, Readings, Baptism, Prayer, the Word, and the Sacrament of the Altar. We hear the stories of the Old Testament and respond with the words of the psalms. We rejoice in the reality of Easter given to us through Baptism and we celebrate the Lord’s resurrection after sundown, when it has become the first day of the week. It’s a long service, but it is a truly beautiful service and I hope you’ll take the time to experience it.
EASTER SUNRISE – SUNDAY, 7:45 AM. Ok, so it’s not actually at the sunrise, but it’s the readings for Sunrise, when Mary encounters the risen Jesus at the tomb. It’s the first Good News of the resurrection of our Lord!
EASTER DAY – SUNDAY, 10:30 AM. St. Mark’s account of the women at the empty tomb. The announcement of the angels: “He is risen! He is not here!” Both Easter services will have different readings and sermons and both will celebrate with great joy the Good News that Christ is risen!
EASTER BREAKFAST – SUNDAY, 9:00 AM. Between services. Hosted by the Elders. There’s nothing to bring but yourself and your family and friends. Join us for fellowship on this day of rejoicing!
A reminder, too that we’ll have a picnic and hike NEXT SUNDAY, APRIL 28 at NOON. We’ll meet at the Harts Road Shelter at Glacial Park. Bring a picnic lunch and stick around from some walking and hiking. We’ll go looking for some geocaches at the park too! It’s a week off but plan it on your calendar and join your Zion family for some outdoor exercise and fun!
I love Holy Week! It’s one week that is dedicated solely to the Good News of what Jesus did. We get to hear all four Passion accounts from each of the four Gospels. We see the most important things Jesus did – die and rise! I look forward to seeing you in these services and rejoicing with you in the gifts of Jesus and the Good News of Jesus Christ crucified, died, and risen to life! See you at church!
In Christ, Pastor Buetow
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