Now you see Him. Now you don’t. Now you do! Jesus says that for a time the disciples will have sorrow. He was, after all arrested and crucified. Then they will have joy! They saw Him alive, raised from the dead. And they had such joy nothing could take it away, not even persecution and their own falling asleep! That’s the power of Christ’s resurrection to life for us: to give us a true and lasting joy that cannot be overcome by anything. We live in that joy as we receive Jesus’ gifts. Join us as we celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Easter this weekend!
We have our MAY VOTERS MEETING NEXT SUNDAY, MAY 19 following worship (there is no Learning the Faith next week). Please join us for the important business of approving next year’s budget and electing officers and board members to lead our congregation. SAMPLE BALLOTS and the PROPOSED BUDGET are both available in the narthex to take and review, so you’re all set for the meeting next week.
Summer will soon be here. We will continue with all of our Bible Studies. Join us when you are here! Sunday Morning Bible Study – 8 AM
Learning the Faith – 10:15 AM
Tuesday Bible Study – 10:30 AM
Remind all the families with kids that you know: VBS is coming up JUNE 10-14. You can register students using the forms in the Narthex – OR – online at THIS LINK
Emotions come and go but the true joy that Jesus gives is a happy and glad confidence, an always-abiding gift of trust and faith in Him that He has overcome all things and that His victory is ours now and forever. I look forward to celebrating that joy with you this weekend in the Divine Service!
In Christ, Pastor Buetow
Catechumens that received their First Communion last Sunday.
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here: