Sin. Righteousness. Judgment. Big churchy words! Jesus explains them because the Holy Spirit is teaching what they mean. Of course, they all have to do with Jesus. And that’s the Holy Spirit’s job: to bring us Jesus’ gifts. How does He do that? He uses the B.A.G.S.! We’ll hear this Good News once again as we celebrate the Fifth Sunday of Easter this weekend!
Our VOTERS MEETING is THIS SUNDAY following worship (it will start by 10:30 AM). Our big business items are ELECTION of officers and board members and approving the BUDGET for next year. Please make sure to take time to help with the business of the church as we together receive, celebrate, and share the love of Christ.
Don’t forget VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL is coming up JUNE 10-14, 9-11:30 AM. We can always use more volunteers and we are grateful for donations and gifts for supplies and materials. (Use the special VBS envelopes in the narthex!). There will be a VBS MEETING ON SUNDAY, JUNE 2 at 11:15. If you are helping with VBS, please plan on attending.
Our rescheduled PICNIC AND HIKING is coming up on SUNDAY, JUNE 9. We’ll meet at the Harts Road Shelter at Glacial Park at NOON, have lunch (bring a picnic lunch) and go walking and do some geocaching. ALL AGES are welcome to join us!
Make sure to check out HIGHER THINGS FOR A DAY. It’s a chance to experience the fun and learning our Youth have at a Higher Things Conference. We’re going to go to Concordia University Chicago (River Forest) on WEDNESDAY, JULY 3 for HT FOR A DAY. If you’d like to be a part of the group, sign up in the narthex. Cost is $65 and includes a t-shirt, meals for the day, and all the learning, worship, and activities.
The words of Jesus following Easter prepare us for the Holy Spirit’s arrival at Pentecost and for life in the church living each day by His gifts.
See you in the Divine Service this weekend!
In Christ, Pastor Buetow
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here: