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Church News June 28, 2019


Friday, June 28, 2019

Dear Members and Friends of Zion,

The Feast is ready! Come to the Feast! The King has prepared it. It’s the Feast of Salvation! You know, the Lord could throw the biggest party every, and invite people, and they’d still find excuses not to come! But the Lord has dragged us into His church! If you can’t make it Sunday, come on another day we have the Divine Service. But know that this Feast is not for God’s benefit but for yours: to hear the Good News and celebrate the salvation of our Savior. That’s this weekend as we celebrate the Second Sunday after Trinity.

Our dear sister in Christ, Delores Glawe fell asleep in Jesus this past week. She was a dear sister in Christ, a longtime and active member of Zion, and a great helper at our dayschool. Her arrangements are as follows:
Tuesday, July 2: 
Visitation at Colonial Funeral Home McHenry, 4-8pm
Wednesday, July 3
Visitation at Zion, 9-10am
Funeral Service at Zion, 10am
Interment at the cemetery following the service with lunch to follow after the cemetery.

Delores’ great-grandson Reed will be baptized this Sunday. She was blessed to have met and held him. To see new life in one generation and the falling asleep of another reminds us of the mystery of Christ’s holy church, which includes all of His people living now but also “all the company of heaven.” It is a great joy that Reed is being brought into the church and that Delores is a part of the Church Triumphant. But we and them are all together united in Christ Jesus.

Thanks to everyone who helped with and came to the Church Picnic last Sunday. Even indoors it was a great turnout and a lot of fun. It’s a blessing to be able to enjoy time together with our church family.

The feast is ready! Jesus has prepared it. No excuses! We’ll see you in the Divine Service this weekend!

In Christ, Pastor Buetow

Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here: