How do you get your inheritance before your father is dead? What happens if you waste all the money? The Prodigal son comes to the realization that he’s not worthy to even be called his father’s son anymore. But that doesn’t make the father stop loving him or being his father! It’s the story of the “Prodigal Son,” or maybe better the “Prodigal Father” as we celebrate the Third Sunday after Trinity coming up this weekend.
I know that since Summer is in full swing, many of you are traveling and taking time away from your regular routines. Please remember your brothers and sisters at Zion and the needs of our congregation through the summer too! Consider giving your offering before you leave or “making up” when you return. Thank you for supporting the ministry of the Gospel at Zion!
We’ve rescheduled the HIGHER THINGS FOR A DAY trip. We have some who will be going up to Concordia Mequon (just north of Milwaukee) on Thursday, July 18. If you’d like to participate and see what HT is all about, let pastor know and he’ll give you more information.
We’re getting ready to start a new Bible Study at 8am on Sundays. We’ve wrapped up Galatians and are looking for topics and books that folks are interested in. It’s a great time to start coming to Bible Study and grow ever more deeply in God’s Word! And we still have Learning the Faith on Sundays after church as well as Tuesday Bible Study at 10:30am, where we’re reading Ephesians.
Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ! Rejoice in His gifts of recreation and summer fun. Receive His gifts of life and salvation in church.
See you in the Divine Service!
In Christ, Pastor Buetow
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