Wake up! It’s almost morning! Are you ready? Ready for what? Jesus is going to be here any minute! We don’t know the day or the hour but we do know He told us so and that He calls us to be ready. To be ready for Jesus’ return is to be ready in the waters of your baptism, to be hearing His Word, and to be eating His Supper. Each time we are gathered in the Lord’s house, it’s a dress rehearsal for our Lord’s return. One of the reasons we go to church each week is to remember Jesus’ promise that He will come again and to be ready to receive Him. That’s what we are hearing and thinking about this weekend as we celebrate the Last Sunday in the Church Year.
I hope you can give a little time to helping us DECORATE FOR CHRISTMAS THIS SUNDAY at 11 AM (after Learning the Faith). There’s lots to do but it will take just a few hours with many hands helping. The Elders are going to spring for pizza for lunch! Let’s get our church looking beautiful as we prepare to celebrate our Savior’s birth!
We will have THANKSGIVING EVE worship WEDNESDAY at 7:00 PM. Take time to pause and give thanks for all the Lord’s gifts and to receive even more in His Word and Body and Blood!
Thank you to everyone who donated, and helped make and wrap boxes for OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD! We made 215 boxes this year. They were delivered to the Drop Off this past week and will soon be on their way around the world. We are tracking some of the boxes to see where they end up.
As we move into the Advent and then Christmas season, we have lots of things going on around Zion. Here are dates for your December Calendar:
Wednesdays, December 4, 11, and 18, 5:30 PM – Advent Suppers followed by Evening Prayer with Communion
Saturday, December 14, 4-7 PM – Live Nativity (Saturday service will be at the manger!)
Sunday, December 22, 10:15 AM – Family Christmas Sing and Program.
Sunday, December 22, 1 PM – Christmas Caroling (meet at church)
Tuesday, December 24 – 3 PM, 7 PM, 11 PM – Christmas Eve Divine Services
Wednesday, December 25, 9 AM – Christmas Day Divine Service
Tuesday, December 31, 7 PM – New Year’s Eve (no service Wednesday, Jan. 1)
The word “eucharist” which is another term we use for Holy Communion means “thanksgiving.” What better way to give thanks than to receive the gifts Jesus has for you! We are thankful for all that God gives us for our body and life, but most of all for our salvation in Christ. See you in the Divine Service as we wrap up the Church Year this weekend!
See you in the Divine Service!
In Christ,
Pastor Buetow
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here: