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Church News January 31, 2020


Friday, January 31, 2020

Dear Members and Friends of Zion,

“This is my beloved Son!” We heard that at Jesus’ baptism. Now, on the mountain of the Transfiguration, we also hear, “Listen to Him!” What’s He going to say? He’s going to tell His disciples that He will go to Jerusalem and suffer, die, and rise again the third day. Just why is the Transfiguration such a big deal? We’ll hear why it’s good news as we celebrate the Transfiguration of our Lord this weekend and on Wednesday.

Speaking of Wednesday: Drop by church for SUPPER this coming Wednesday at 5:30pm for a meal provided by our Board of Elders. It’s a chance to have some food and fellowship. Consider it a warmup for Lenten Suppers which begin in a few weeks on Ash Wednesday. Thanks, Elders!

Shout out and thanks to everyone who helped make the Roast Beef Dinnersuccess last week. It was great and for a good cause: to help our Zion Assistance Program.If you don’t go to Bible Study or Learning the Faith, why not? Please consider joining us for BIBLE STUDY on Sunday morning at 8am (Book of Exodus) or Tuesday at 10:30am (Gospel According to Luke) or for LEARNING THE FAITHon Sundays after worship. The devil, the world, and our own sinful natures are full of excuses and false ideas about why we don’t need God’s Word. Jesus has called us as His disciples to grow in His Word, to read and learn what the Bible is all about, and to be defended from those enemies with the pure Word of the Truth. If you’re a parent, then the Lord has given you a great responsibility to teach your children His Word. I’m here to help! Give one of them a try. I can almost guarantee you’ll learn something and be strengthened in Jesus!

We have a couple of months until FAMILY FUN NIGHT but we’re already beginning our preparations. We’re asking folks to help us collect donations of goods and services from local businesses for the Silent Auction at Family Fun Night. If you know of someone who owns or manages a business that would be willing to help us out, ask them! We have donation letters available in the Office to make it easy to ask! Thanks for your help in getting our big event ready.

Peter really wanted to stay and hang out with Jesus on that mountain. Wouldn’t it be nice to just stay in church and hear the Good News while avoiding the world? Well, in worship, Jesus gives us His gifts and strengthens us in our faith in Him. Then out we go into the world that can be a pretty rough place. But we can always come back to where Jesus is: His forgiveness, life, and salvation never run out. Listen to Him!

See you in the Divine Service!

In Christ,
Pastor Buetow

Holy Communion with Jean Sund and son Bill.
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here: