Dear Members and Friends of Zion,In the Garden of Eden, God put His Word on a tree: “If you eat the fruit, you will die.” Adam and Eve’s sin was to ignore God’s Word, in a sense, removing it from the tree so they could eat that fruit. That brought misery and death. God saves us by putting His Word back on a tree: Jesus, the Word-made-flesh, hung on the cross to save us from our sins. The story of Lent is the story of Jesus defeating the devil. Where Adam and Eve and you and I would give in to temptation to turn from God’s Word, Jesus faithfully sticks with the Father’s Word and cannot be turned aside. But His temptation isn’t just an example for you to follow. It’s an actual defeat of the devil that means when Jesus is on your side, you’ve defeated him too. Christ’s victory is your victory! That’s what we hear this weekend as we observe the First Sunday in Lent.
People often talk about giving things up for Lent. Part of that discipline is that there is a sacrifice: you give up one thing for another. If you give up anything for Lent, if you make any sacrifice, let me encourage you to give up an hour or two each week to enjoy the fellowship of your brothers and sisters in Christ at a LENTEN SUPPER (each Wednesday at 5:30 PM) and LENTEN MIDWEEK DIVINE SERVICE (each Wednesday at 7:00 PM). It’s an opportunity to remember that we don’t live by bread alone but by every Word from God’s mouth. Come and hear His Words and know the comfort of your sins forgiven and the gift of prayer.
Students receiving ashes on Ash Wednesday
Our Annual EASTER EGG HUNT is SATURDAY, APRIL 4, at 10:00 AM. Like previous years, we need your help to fill the eggs the kids will gather. Please take a bag or more of eggs from the narthex, fill them with candy and bring them back to church. Blue bags have 25 eggs and all the other bags have 50. Thanks for your help in making our Easter Egg Hunt the great event it always is!
Eggs are ready to be filled!
One of our school parents has organized a COMMUNITY AWARENESS AND PREVENTION EVENT on the subject of HUMAN TRAFFICKING. It is going to be held Friday, March 13 at 6:15 PM in our Gym. This is a timely and far-reaching issue that can impact any family. The Event will feature federal and local law enforcement speakers and members and non-members, and those from the community are all encouraged to attend.
Thank you for all the prayers for my father, Tom Buetow, who was diagnosed with bladder cancer. Susan and I came down to Louisville yesterday to be with him for his procedure. As in all things medical, there’s a waiting period for the results but the outlook is relatively serious. Please continue to include him your prayers. We’ll be be home Saturday evening.
The devil rolled over us easily but it was a stopped-in-his-tracks roadblock when he tangled with Jesus. But the way of Jesus’ victory over the evil one is in our Saviour bearing all that is evil for our sakes. It’s the way of suffering, cross, and death but always with the hope of HIs resurrection on Easter.
A blessed Lententide to all and we’ll see you in the Divine Service!
In Christ,
Pastor Buetow
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