Dear Members and Friends of Zion,The Second Sunday in Lent we hear one of my favorite Gospel stories: It’s the lady that Jesus called a dog! She doesn’t even flinch but confesses that even dogs get crumbs and crumbs from Jesus would be enough to save her daughter! That’s faith! Faith grabs a hold of Jesus and doesn’t let go. Do you pray like this woman? Do you grab a hold of Jesus and not let go? She does that not because she’s so persistent but because she knows Jesus can’t do anything but save and deliver her daughter from the devil. That’s what He came to do. In other words she doesn’t pray because she’s so great but because He is!
Make sure you join us for MIDWEEK LENTEN SUPPER on WEDNESDAY at 5:30 PM and MIDWEEK WORSHIP at 7:00 PM. Give up a couple hours a week in Lent for some fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ and the fellowship of Jesus’ Word and Body and Blood! We’re talking about the gift of prayer on Wednesday nights. Come hear what blessings the Lord gives us in the prayer that He Himself taught us!
Our Annual EASTER EGG HUNT is SATURDAY, APRIL 4, at 10:00 AM. Like previous years, we need your help to fill the eggs the kids will gather. Please take a bag or more of eggs from the narthex, fill them with candy and bring them back to church. Blue bags have 25 eggs and all the other bags have 50. Thanks for your help in making our Easter Egg Hunt the great event it always is!
One of our school parents has organized a COMMUNITY AWARENESS AND PREVENTION EVENT on the subject of HUMAN TRAFFICKING. It is going to be held NEXT FRIDAY, March 13 at 6:15 PM in our Gym. This is a timely and far-reaching issue that can impact any family. The Event will feature federal and local law enforcement speakers and members and non-members, and those from the community are all encouraged to attend.
Thank you very much for the prayers for my Dad. He’s home now and they think they will be able to treat him with medication for now. We’ve had several of our members in and out of the hospital this week. We’ll keep them in our prayers. Do make sure to let me know if you or another member is in the hospital so that I can check on them and we can remember them in our prayers!
Two weeks into Lent and it’s all a giant push-back at the devil. We see Jesus knocking down the devil and his power over and over. The Tempter, who wrecked God’s creation by dragging mankind into sin, is sent fleeing by the Savior who cannot be lured into sin. Jesus shows us the faith of this woman that hangs onto him tightly so that we too would learn to trust Him no matter what, even when it seems like He’s not listening!
See you in the Divine Service where we’ll call upon our Savior to help us once again!
In Christ,
Pastor Buetow
Turning Point at Ladies Guild
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here: