Friday, June 26, 2020
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Dear Members and Friends of Zion,
Jesus can’t help those who can save themselves. The righteous, the “good people,” the well-behaved, the ones full of their own virtue and rightness. Those are the people who look down on the “sinners,” the people who aren’t like they are, aren’t religious enough, aren’t good enough, aren’t righteous enough. But where is Jesus? He’s looking everywhere for those who have gone astray. He’s searching for the lost sheep and the lost coin. He’s looking for you: wandered off, rolled under the chair, lost. He’s seeking sinners to save them. Jesus coming into this world to die and rise for you is Jesus saving lost sheep and lost coins. Through no fault of His, we wandered off. Through no effort of our own, we are found and saved. The Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin are two of the best stories Jesus tells that show us what God is like and how he operates in His kingdom. That’s our Gospel for this coming Third Sunday after Trinity.
Small Communion Services
We will have scheduled Communion slots THIS SUNDAY, from Noon to 2:30pm. We’re starting later because of the Voters Meeting. If you normally took an 11 or 11:30 slot, please let the Office know of a different time for this week. Depending on how long the Voters meeting goes, we will also offer Communion to those who wish to stay and receive it afterward.
Voters Meeting
Our Voters Meeting is THIS SUNDAY, JUNE 28 at 10:30am. We will meet in the gym. Chairs have been set up with appropraite spacing. Those attending are asked to please wear their MASKS.
Services Begin July 5
Following is the information that was sent out by letter regarding the startup of in-person worship services NEXT SUNDAY, JULY 5:
Guidelines and Instructions for Services at Zion
Beginning on Sunday, July 5, we will be returning to worship services together at Zion. We will no longer be offering Sunday and Wednesday afternoon Communion slots. We will have two morning services on Sunday and one on Wednesday to abide by the guideline of gatherings of no more than 50 people.
Services will be the following:
Sunday, 7:45 AM
Sunday, 10:30 AM
Wednesday, 7:00 PM
The services will be the same (readings and hymns, etc.)
There will be Bible Study at 9:00 AM in the gym, using masks and distancing. We will NOT have refreshments available but you are welcome to bring your own coffee, donuts, etc.
We will continue to LIVESTREAM/RECORD one of the services per week. They will be available to watch on our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel.
Please CHECK IN with the usher or elder at the beginning of the service. We will take attendance via a checklist, rather than using pew cards.
MASKS should be worn by anyone attending, from the time you enter the building until you leave. Pastor and the Elder will not have masks on up front but will wear them for the Distribution of the Sacrament.
Every THIRD PEW only will be utilized for seating. Please sit in pews that do NOT have hymnals, cards, etc. Those are the pews we are reserving for seating at this time.
Pick up your bulletin from the table in the narthex. If you are not taking your bulletin home, please PLACE YOUR BULLETIN IN THE DESIGNATED RECYCLING BIN IN THE NARTHEX.
OFFERINGS may be placed in the plate on the table in the narthex. We will not pass the plate during the service.
Two pews at a time (one from each side) will be called up for the Distribution. We will NOT line up the next table during the Distribution.
Tables of Communicants will STAND UP FRONT rather than kneel at the rail (and far enough back for Pastor and the Elder to walk in front.
Please receive the Body of Christ in your hand only. Pastor will not place it on your tongue.
The CHALICE will be offered. It will be wiped with high proof alcohol between communicants and Tables. Otherwise, you may receive an INDIVIDUAL CUP from the tray.
After the Table has been dismissed, the next pews will be welcomed by the Usher to come forward.
You may enter the church through the usual doors: Both sides of the Rotunda and the Gym side door.
BATHROOMS: Please use only the bathrooms off the Narthex or the bathrooms next to the Church Office.
If you would like to visit/socialize, we ask that you please do so in the GYM between services or before or after services OUTSIDE. Please remember to maintain a six foot distance and wear your MASK.
Pews will be wiped down between services. Bathrooms will be cleaned and sterilized following the services.
PARENTS: We ask that you not let children use the activity bags in the narthex. Please provide coloring materials, books, etc., for your children in the pew.
Reminder: if you are not comfortable attending in person yet, that is OK! Continue to watch our livestreams and be joined together with us in Christ’s Word!
If you have questions or concerns about how we will be conducting the services, please reach out to Pastor or your Elder to discuss them.
Bible Studies
Bible Studies will meet in person beginning Sunday, July 5.
Sundays, 9:15 am in the gym. Please bring your own snacks and coffee as refreshments will not be provided for the time being.
Tuesdays, 10:30 am in the Narthex.
Frontline Worker Prayers
As we move back to in-person worship and as businesses are able to reopen, we will phase out our specific prayer list of “Frontline Workers” beginning next Sunday. We are grateful for all those who have been able to continue to work and serve our communities while most of us were restricted. Of course we continue to pray the Lord’s blessing and His relief from this pandemic.
Color A Stained Glass Window
Our church stained glass windows are turning into coloring sheets! Download the latest window HERE.
Things are not back to “normal” yet but we are moving forward. I want to make sure that everyone feels welcome to attend worship and to do so in safety. I also want to reassure anyone who is not yet ready to join us in person that that is OK too. If you choose to remain at home for a little while longer, I hope you’ll take advantage of our streamed services to watch online and please remember to send in your offerings as you are able! I look forward to seeing you at Voters this Sunday and even more to seeing you in worship next Sunday.
In Christ,
Pastor Buetow
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here:
This Week at Zion