Jesus teaches us, His disciples, that we don’t measure how much we care for or respect others by how much they care for or respect us. Rather, Jesus teaches us humility. Genuine humility is to put others before ourselves. In our day and age of “me first,” Jesus’ message is easily drowned out. It’s always been that way. But it never stopped Jesus from putting others first. In fact, He put the whole world first, ahead of Himself. He took the lowest spot possible: the curse of sin and the cross in order that He might lift us up to the heavenly places of highest honor. He was humbled so that you might be exalted. That knocks our Old Adam off his high horse and lifts up the new creation in Jesus to live humbly by putting others ahead of ourselves in the loving example of Jesus. When Jesus says to “come up higher,” it’s not an invitation based on being a good person. It’s an invitation given by grace, to be where Jesus is at the top spot. That’s our Gospel this week for the 17th Sunday after Trinity.
Trunk Or Treat
Mark your calendar for Sunday, October 25 at Noon. We’ll be hosting Trunk Or Treat in our parking lot. Decorate your vehicle and hand out candy. Invite your friends and their children to join us!
Voters Meeting
Our Fall Voters Meeting is Sunday, November 15 at 9am (Between services; We will not have Bible Study or Learning the Faith that day). The main business is election of officers and board members which was postponed from our May meeting.
Sunday Bible Studies:
Take time to grow in God’s Word! Sundays:
Bible Study – 9:00-9:30 AM in the Narthex. Reading the Epistle of James
Learning the Faith (all ages) – 9:45-10:30 AM in the Gym. Tuesdays – Bible Study at 10:30 AM in the Narthex. (Gospel According to St. Matthew)
Our Sunday service is available to watch live and recorded here:
We stream live on our FACEBOOK PAGE HERE.
Our videos are also live and recorded on YOUTUBE HERE.
The simplest way to watch online (not live) is probably through our church’s website HERE.
It’s certainly been a whirlwind of natural disasters lately from fires to storms all around our country and the world. LCMS Disaster Relief is on the front lines in many places to help those who have been displaced or are in need. If you’d like to help out, you can make an offering directly to LCMS Disaster Relief RIGHT HERE. Click the “Give” button or select a particular area to give.
In this week’s epistle, St. Paul also reminds us to “bear with one another in love.” That’s hard work, putting up with others (and them putting up with us!) That’s why the Holy Spirit is at work in us, forgiving us when we’re too big for our britches and teaching us through Christ’s forgiveness how to put others first. See you in the Divine Service this weekend!
In Christ,
Pastor Buetow
Thanks to Betty Olsen for this terrific picture! Rainbow and Cross: signs of God’s promises!
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here: