Friday, January 1, 2021
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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Happy New Year! For us it’s 2021. In the Church Calendar, January 1 is the Eight Day since Jesus’ birth, the day He was circumcised and given His name, “Jesus.” “Jesus” is the Greek spelling of “Joshua” which in Hebrew is “Yahshua,” or “Yahweh saves.” Because He will save His people from their sins. I have no idea what 2021 has in store. But I do know that “Jesus” means “The Lord saves.” Maybe 2021 will be full of much gladness. Maybe it will be full of much heartache. Maybe it will be the more typical mix of both. But either way, “Jesus” means “The Lord saves.” That is, the Name of Jesus itself is a confession of Good News about God and what He has in mind and in store for us. He’s already been born, lived, carried our sins and died and risen again. So whatever happens in 2021, the answer, the solution, the good news is: JESUS. I pray that His name will be your rock and anchor and comfort and peace for all the days of the coming year. We’ll celebrate the Epiphany of Our Lord this weekend and on Wednesday (the actual day). That’s the day the Wise Men came and the light of the star reminded the world that the Savior was born for all people!
Funeral Arrangements for Pastor Loest
Our brother in Christ and faithful servant of the Lord, Pastor Loest passed away this past Monday. I was privileged to be with him at the hospice facility and to pray the Commendation of the Dying with him before he fell asleep in Jesus.
Arrangements for Pastor Loest are as follows:
Sunday, Jan. 3, 3-7 PM – Visitation at Zion
All are welcome to stop by. Those paying respects may be limited to smaller groups as necessary to follow COVID guidelines.
Monday, Jan. 4, 10 AM – Funeral Service at Zion.
Members of Zion are welcome to attend, but we will be observing the usual worship service limit of 50 people. (Approximately 20 family plus any others).
Private (family only) Committal will take place after the service.
Those attending either or both times are asked to WEAR A MASK and mind SOCIAL DISTANCING. If you are not feeling well or have been exposed to COVID, we respectfully ask that you refrain from attending.
Pastor Aden Loest, a.k.a., PAL spent his life giving to others through his ministry and will be greatly missed by all who were blessed to know him.
Godspeed to Luann Holmes!
Luann Holmes has relocated from McHenry Villa to a facility closer to where her son has moved in Indiana. Luann was a long time member of Zion and a member of our choir. Her address if you’d like to drop her a line:
Luann Holmes
Northbridge Gracious Retirement Living #211
14532 Allisonville Rd.
Fishers, IN 46038
Your new envelopes for 2021 are now available on the table in the Narthex.
Sunday Bible Studies:
Take time to grow in God’s Word! Our Bible Study schedule returns to its regular times beginning this Sunday.
Bible Study – 9:00-9:30 AM in the Narthex. Reading the Epistle of James
Learning the Faith (all ages) – 9:45-10:30am in the Gym.
Tuesdays – Bible Study at 10:30 AM in the Narthex. (Gospel According to St. Matthew)
Our Sunday service is available to watch live and recorded here:
We stream live on our FACEBOOK PAGE HERE.
Our videos are also live and recorded on YOUTUBE HERE.
The simplest way to watch online (not live) is probably through our church’s website HERE.
New year, same Jesus. Same God who is love. Same grace and forgiveness won at the cross. Same Word, water, Body and Blood to forgive and strengthen us. Same Good News preached that we have a God who came into this world to save us. The world around us may change and get better or worse; our lives may be smooth sailing or a rocky road. But the same Lord who is Lord of all is still in charge, still in control, still the giver of every good thing. As we launch into 2021, let’s do so in the glad confidence that we are Jesus Christ’s beloved people and that He truly will work all things for our good. Happy New Year and see you in the Divine Service!
Pastor Buetow
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here:
This Week at Zion