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Church Email News – May 21, 2021


Friday, May 21, 2021

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Dear Zion Family,

This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. Pentecost was originally a harvest festival of Israel. When the Lord added 3000 baptized to the church on the day the Holy Spirit was poured out, it was a sort of harvest. Through the preaching of the Apostles and the waters of Holy Baptism, the Spirit brought in a bountiful harvest into the church. This is why we are in Christ’s church: not because we joined it. Not because we decided to be here. We are here because the Holy Spirit has called, gathered, and enlightened us. He sanctifies, makes us holy, with His gifts. What gifts? The Jesus gifts: Water, Word, Body and Blood. This Sunday we will celebrate nearly 20 young people who will receive Christ’s body and blood for the first time. Sometimes people say, “Well, they are too young to understand.” Of course they are! They aren’t receiving it because they can write a theological paper. They’re receiving it because Jesus tells us to eat and drink His Body and Blood with the bread and wine because there is a promise involved: the forgiveness of sins! Pentecost is the great reminder that we don’t figure things out on our own. Our confession of faith in Jesus is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Whether a child or an adult, we believe in Jesus by the work of the Holy Spirit. His gracious work is to bring us to faith that trusts in Christ and to keep us in that faith through His good gifts. That’s Pentecost this week!

Reminder that the First Communion Service is at 10:30 AM and will have a lot of people in attendance. We have therefore added an additional service at 9:00 AM to accommodate those who might normally come to the late service.

This Sunday is our ZAP (Zion Assistance Program) collection Sunday. Remember to bring your dollar bills with the J, G, or L (Jesus, God, Love) on them. Of course, if you are moved to give a larger offering that’s welcome too! The collection jar is in the narthex.

We will be offering services at Fish Lake at 10:30 AM each Sunday beginning NEXT Sunday, May 30 through Labor Day weekend.

Let’s get together for some much needed fellowship and fun! Our Church Picnic will be Sunday, June 13 at Noon. Keeping it simple: Bring your own picnic lunch and chairs. (There are some tables and benches in the pavilion). We’ll hang out and enjoy lunch and fellowship together.

We are planning to return to a single, 9:00 AM Sunday Service beginning June 20. Stay tuned for more details and specifics guidance about masks when we return to one service. As always, Wednesdays at 7:00 PM is an option if you cannot attend on Sunday.


You can watch our services live-streamed Sunday at 7:45 or recorded for later.

You can watch live and find recorded services here:
We stream live on our FACEBOOK PAGE HERE.

Our videos are also live and recorded on YOUTUBE HERE.

The simplest way to watch online (not live) is probably through our church’s website HERE.

The Holy Spirit got everyone’s attention with the rushing wind and tongues of fire. Once He had their attention though, He did His real work: the Apostle Peter preached Jesus crucified and risen from the dead.With those words, the Holy Spirit gave the hearers new hearts and 3000 were baptized that day! The Holy Spirit’s job is to deliver Jesus to us. To fill our ears with the Good News of a Savior and to seal those promises with the gifts of Jesus. See you in the Divine Service this weekend!

In Christ,
Pastor Buetow


Holy Matrimony!

Pastor at Recess!

Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here:

This Week at Zion
