What goes in our ears comes out of our mouths. When our ears are filled with junk, trash talking, arguments, gossip, insults, arguments and such things, guess what we’ll talk about and complain about? When our ears are filled with God’s Word, God’s Word will be on our lips and in our speech. Hearing God’s promises in our ears brings praise and thanksgiving from our mouths. That’s why our whole liturgy and order of service is us hearing God’s Word and speaking and singing God’s Word. God’s Word in…God’s Word out! This how Jesus healed the man who could not hear and speak. He puts His fingers into the mans ears and touches His tongue, and suddenly the man can speak plainly, rightly, the words of praise and thanksgiving. As disciples of Jesus, it matters what goes into our ears. So much of the junk talk of the world is out there, it is easy to drown out God’s Word and promises. That’s why the Spirit gathers us each week in the Lord’s house, to have the ear wax of the world scrubbed out with God’s Word and to have our tongues let loose with the wonderful and joy-filled promises of Jesus and His Word. That’s this week as we celebrate the 12th Sunday after Trinity.
As you have maybe heard by now, our brother in Christ, Larry Allen, fell asleep in Jesus this past week. His funeral arrangements are as follows:
Tuesday, August 24, 4-7pm – Visitation at Justen’s
Wednesday, August 25:
11am – Visitation at Zion
Noon- Funeral Service at Zion
Committal at Woodland Cemetery following the service. MASKS IN WORSHIP
We are following the state guidelines and mandates for use of masks in group settings. Currently, there is not a requirement that masks be worn. The CDC recommends everyone wear a mask when indoors and I would encourage everyone to do so, even for worship. However, we are not requiring masks to be worn. As always, consider the welfare of your neighbor as you make your decision. And by all means: stay home if you are not feeling well or have any symptoms!
To date, we have received $4820 of $6000 in offerings toward our Processional Crucifix! Thank you to all who have contributed to this gift for beautifying God’s house and reminding us what is central to our worship and faith!
Martha will mark her 90th birthday this week. To celebrate, her family has organized a little Birthday Open House. It’s next Sunday, August 29 from 2-5pm. There will be food available and the only gift you are requested to bring is yourself for a visit and some company to celebrate with Martha! The Sundells’ address is 4715 S. Ridgeway Rd., Ringwood.
School is up and running in person again. We’ve got some great ways to support our school and our teachers. Thanks for your support!
Order some of the beautiful mums from Countryside. They are $15 each if you preorder.
You can order Spirit Wear items with our School logo to show your Lions Pride. You can also order items with the church logo on them to show you’re a part of the Zion Family. Clothing can be ordered online at these links:
Please NOTE: ORDER FORMS for Mums and Spirit Wear are on the table in the Narthex.
We stream live on our FACEBOOK PAGE HERE.
Our videos are also live and recorded on YOUTUBE HERE.
The simplest way to watch online (not live) is probably through our church’s website HERE.
Teacher Wishlists
Our Day School Teachers each have an Amazon wishlist for their classrooms this year. If you’d like to help them get some neat things for their classrooms, click the links below:
Jesus’ miracle of healing the deaf and mute man isn’t just a nice thing for that guy. It’s a sign that shows Jesus is the fulfillment of the prophets of the Old Testament. The signs that Jesus does point to Him being the Anointed one (The Christ, the Messiah) whom the Father has chosen to be the Savior of the world. The healing of the deaf-mute man teaches us to confess that Jesus is the real deal. Not some charlatan but God really in the flesh to be our Savior. Filled with His Words, our tongues will let loose in praise and thanksgiving. See you in the Divine Service for that!
In Christ,
Pastor Buetow
Teacher Installation!
Back to School!
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, and NewsNotes from our website here: