Jesus tells the story of the “Good Samaritan” in response to the young man’s question, “Who is my neighbor?” The young man wanted to justify himself. We know what the Law says: Love your neighbor. Our sinful flesh, though, wants to wiggle out of that by thinking we can be selective about who our “neighbor” is. It’s at that point the story flips things around. We see the “Law” embodied in the priest and Levite who passed by the man in the ditch. It’s as if Jesus is saying, “The Law isn’t going to save you. In fact, you can’t negotiate your way or finesse your way out from under its requirements. You need to be rescued and the Law isn’t going to save you.” Jesus saves us. He rescues us from our being robbed of righteousness by sin and the nakedness of iniquity. He binds up our wounds and pours in the oil and wine of His font and altar and puts us into the care of the church. And here we learn that our neighbor is our neighbor. Everyone in our lives is our neighbor, to be loved and cared for, without exceptions and wiggle room. “Go and do likewise.” That means being saved by the Good Samaritan of Jesus and being a Good Samaritan to our neighbors. That’s this week, the 13th Sunday after Trinity.
The State of Illinois has once again made masks mandatory in indoor spaces. So beginning THIS SUNDAY, we’ll ask that everyone wear a mask in worship. We’ll have masks available in the narthex for anyone that needs one. In conjunction with wearing masks, a few other changes to note:
We will take ATTENDANCE via a list again to help with contact tracing should the need arise.
The OFFERING plate will be on the table in the narthex; we will not collect the offering during the service.
We’ll stand (rather than kneel at the rail) for the Distribution of the Sacrament.
We will NOT be restricting seating or attendance as that has not been mandated at this time.
As always, if you are not feeling well, please consider the welfare of your neighbor and stay home until you are feeling better.
I know that this is an aggravating step backward but let us continue to trust in the Lord as He works all things out for our good. Thank you for your consideration and cooperation in Christian love!
Wow! To date, we have already received $5520 of $6000 in offerings toward our Processional Crucifix! Thank you to all who have contributed to this gift for beautifying God’s house and reminding us what is central to our worship and faith!
Martha marked her 90th birthday on Thursday! To celebrate, her family has organized a little Birthday Open House. It’s THIS SUNDAY, August 29 from 2-5pm. There will be food available and the only gift you are requested to bring is yourself for a visit and some company to celebrate with Martha! The Sundells’ address is 4715 S. Ridgeway Rd., Ringwood.
School is up and running in person again. We’ve got some great ways to support our school and our teachers. Thanks for your support!
Order some of the beautiful mums from Countryside. They are $15 each if you preorder.
You can order Spirit Wear items with our School logo to show your Lions Pride. You can also order items with the church logo on them to show you’re a part of the Zion Family. Clothing can be ordered online at these links:
Please NOTE: ORDER FORMS for Mums and Spirit Wear are on the table in the Narthex. DEADLINE FOR BOTH ORDERS IS THIS MONDAY, AUGUST 30.
We stream live on our FACEBOOK PAGE HERE.
Our videos are also live and recorded on YOUTUBE HERE.
The simplest way to watch online (not live) is probably through our church’s website HERE.
Teacher Wishlists
Our Day School Teachers each have an Amazon wishlist for their classrooms this year. If you’d like to help them get some neat things for their classrooms, click the links below:
As Covid precautions and mandates once again arise and the pandemic seems to be closing in again, the story of the Good Samaritan is a great reminder about loving our neighbor. First, we need Jesus to be our neighbor and save us from our sins: including our rebelliousness and selfishness! Second, the Spirit would use these words to stir up patience, love, and consideration for others. As we navigate all the extra rules in this pandemic life, let’s remember that most of all, we want to help protect the health and lives of those around us. We are indeed free in Christ and yet we are servants to our neighbors, to do everything they need for their help and well-being. See you in the Divine Service!
In Christ,
Pastor Buetow
Back to School!
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, and NewsNotes from our website here: