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Church Email News, November 19, 2021


Friday, November 19, 2021

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Dear Saints of the Lord,

Wake up! The night is almost gone! Day is coming! The Lord Jesus will be here soon! This Sunday we celebrate the Last Sunday in the Church Year. It’s a Sunday of hope and expectation. Jesus is coming! We don’t know exactly when, just that we should be ready! How are we ready? By living in faith that He will indeed return and in the meantime living our lives in faith toward God and fervent love of one another. Each day we trust in Jesus that our sins are forgiven and we have the promise of eternal life. Each day we seek the good of others and help them as they have need. That’s wise virgins with oil in their lamps. Foolish virgins are living with no thought for what is to come. They aren’t prepared; they don’t believe in Jesus and they don’t love others. They are selfish and careless. The Last Sunday of the Church Year is not meant to scare us though! It’s meant to remind us that we believe Christ will indeed come again and that’s a good thing! That will be the day we are raised from death, that tears are wiped away, and that the eternal wedding celebration—the party!— begins. We’ll get ready for that celebration by celebrating in the Divine Service!

The service will not be livestreamed this week (safe travels, Ryan and Kathy!). It will be recorded and available to watch later in the week.

Please take time to attend our Voters Meeting after worship this Sunday. It should be a relatively short meeting; there are board and committee reports, updates on our budget, and an Endowment Request to reimburse Ryan and Kathy Morales for money spent on our video and audio equipment. The meeting will begin around 10:15am.

Our school is having its Scholastic Book Fair. Lots of great books for young readers. You are welcome to browse the Book Fair before or after the Voters Meeting. You can pay with cash, check, or credit card. To shop online click HERE.

Reminder there’s no Bible Study this Tuesday (Nov. 23). We’ll resume the following week, November 30 at 10:30am.

Join us for Thanksgiving Eve Divine Service THIS WEDNESDAY (Nov. 24) at 7:00pm.

We are going to decorate the sanctuary for the Advent and Christmas seasons SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28, after worship. (No Learning the Faith that day). Many hands make light work! If we’re around long enough we’ll order pizza for lunch.

You may remember the Pollacks who were members of Zion and moved to Ohio a couple of years ago. Peter was back in our area for work when he contracted Covid. He has been hospitalized for nearly a month battling the complications. Robin has been at his side every day. She would be grateful for cards sent to him for when he can read them. They would be a comfort to her as well. If you’d like to send a card or note, you can send it to:
Lutheran General Hospital MICU
Attn: Peter Pollack, Room 12
1775 Dempster Street
Park Ridge, IL 60068

I’m going to see Peter and Robin again this week. They are slowly trying to bring Peter out of his medically induced coma.

We are currently wearing our masks during worship. At this time there is no restriction on capacity or seating arrangements. Please consider the well-being of your neighbor most especially by staying home if you have any symptoms of illness. As always, you can get in touch with me to request a visit if you can’t be in church. Thank you for your patience and understanding and love of neighbor in all of this!

You can watch live and find recorded services at the links below *(reminder: No livestream this week).
We stream live on our FACEBOOK PAGE HERE.
Our videos are also live and recorded on YOUTUBE HERE.
The simplest way to watch online (not live) is probably through our church’s website HERE.


Wake up! Be ready! The watchmen are crying out! The Bridegroom is on His way. Like waiting for the couple to make their grand entrance at a wedding reception, so we’re waiting for Jesus’ triumphant return in glory. Until then, He’ll be right where He promises: His church, in the water and Word and Body and Blood. See you in the Divine Service this week with oil in your lamps!

In Christ,
Pastor Buetow

Scholastic Book Fair

Operation Christmas Child Boxes & Visit from Santa

First Grader Acolyte in Chapel

Visiting Jane Boeldt

Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, and NewsNotes from our website here: