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Church Email – March 18, 2022


Friday, March 18, 2022

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Dear Redeemed Saints,

When we point our fingers, it’s usually when we’re calling someone out. “She did it. It’s his fault. There’s the culprit.” When God points His finger, though, He doesn’t accuse, He saves. It was by God’s finger that He plagued the Egyptians to save His people. It was His own finger which inscribed the Law upon the tablets of stone. It is the finger of God by which Jesus casts out the devil. What exactly is the “finger of God?” It’s His Word. His power. His aiming His devil-destroying power against our enemies and pointing to us and calling us redeemed, chosen, saved, sanctified, His beloved people. Most people today don’t acknowledge God’s power. But we’re going to take time from our lives this Third Sunday in Lent to learn about the finger of God, the power of God unto salvation. It’s not just a metaphor or analogy. God has real fingers. The fingers of Jesus that gipped His mothers hand as an infant. That touched the sick and healed them. That curled in agony when the nails went through his hands. If Jesus casts out demons by the finger of God, you can be sure the kingdom of God has come to you. Just as sure as the water flowed from the fingers of your pastor as you were baptized or by the Body and Blood of Christ which is placed on your tongue by those same fingers. The “finger of God” means God’s power to save you. It’s Him working His power to give you everlasting life.


Lent is another good time to join us for growing in God’s Word. If you don’t go to Bible Study, why not? Unless you’re an expert in the Scriptures and know them by heart, you should join us! Sundays at 8am we’re just getting into Paul’s letter to the Colossians. It’s an epistle that is packed full of good news you need to hear. Or join us Tuesdays at 10:30am as we read the Book of Revelation. It’s not a scary book because it’s all about Jesus! You will never get called on to read (unless you would like to) and there is no question too big or small we can’t tackle it with the help of God’s Word. So join us as we hear and learn from God’s Word each week!

Check out the bulletin insert this week for ways you can help contribute for those suffering in Ukraine. There is some great information about our work with our sister churches there and how you can donate for those in need.

Order forms for Easter Lilies will be in your bulletin this weekend. Complete your form and give it along with payment ($15) to Maria Bremer or place in the Altar Guild mailbox. Orders due by Sunday, April 10th.

Take some extra time during this Lenten season to hear God’s Word and receive His gifts. Divine Service is each Wednesday at 7pm and will be a different service than Sunday, with an emphasis on the gifts of Baptism and Confession.

If you’ve adopted a shut-in, I hope you’ve reached out to them in some way to let them know the church remembers them. Let Pastor know how it’s going and thank you for taking on a little something extra for Lent that no doubt means a great deal to those brothers and sisters in Christ!

We’re planning to hold our Easter Egg Hunt on SATURDAY, APRIL 9, at 10:00 AM, for children of all ages. Thanks to our Board of Outreach for bringing it back this year. Look for information about how you can help fill Easter Eggs for the hunt.

Here’s the schedule for Holy Week and Easter as you plan ahead.

Palm Sunday, April 10 – 9am Festival Divine Service with Palm Processional and St. Matthew’s Passion

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in Holy Week, April 11, 12, and 13 – 7pmDivine Services on the different Passion Readings.

Maundy Thursday, April 14 – 7pm Divine Service concluding with the Stripping of the Altar

Good Friday, April 15 – Noon Divine Service on the Seven Words from the Cross and 7pm Chief Divine Service with service of darkness.

Holy Saturday, April 16 – 6pm – The Awe-Inspiring Vigil of Easter

Easter Sunday, April 17 – 7:45 and 10:30am Festival Divine Service and 9am Easter Breakfast hosted by the Elders.

Enrollment for next School Year begins this week!  If you know anyone with children ages 3 years old through Second Grade, send them our way for more information on our Christ-centered academic excellence!
Peter has moved to a step-down unit, a sign of progress as he continues his recovery with his new lungs. If you’d like to send a card or other well-wishes, you can use the Pollacks’ home address:

6490 Breece Rd
Mount Vernon, OH 43050

You can watch live and find recorded services at the links below:

We stream live on our FACEBOOK PAGE HERE.

Our videos are also live and recorded on YOUTUBE HERE.


The enemies of Jesus said He was working for the devil. What utter nonsense because they refused to believe in Him. To those who hate God, don’t believe in God, or think Jesus silly, His Word and power mean nothing. To those who are being saved, His Word is life, light, and everything! We don’t live by bread alone but by every Word from the mouth of God. The finger of God points us to that Word and gives us life! See you in the Divine Service!

In Christ,
Pastor Buetow


Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, and NewsNotes from our website here: