Do you ever feel like you pray and pray and nothing happens? As if God isn’t listening? As if He doesn’t care? It must have seemed that way to the Gentile woman who pleaded for her daughter. Finally, after ignoring her for a bit, Jesus says He didn’t come for the Gentiles and that you can’t give the kids’ food to the dogs! Is that enough to send her away in despair? Nope! “Even dogs get crumbs, Jesus!” Here is a woman who teaches us to pray. A woman who won’t take “I didn’t come for you” as an answer because she knows very well that Jesus is the Savior of all people. He is. And He does what she asks, casting the devil out of her daughter with a word. That’s two Sundays in a row we hear about the devil getting owned by the Son of God. Maybe we’ll call the score Jesus: 4, devil 0! No doubt the Lord is teaching this woman faith, to cling to Him and His promises. But He’s also giving a lesson to His disciples who wanted her to go away. Jesus really did come for all people. Everyone. No matter who. No matter what their problem is. No matter how the devil has tangled them up. He has come to set everyone free. Jesus sets you free from the evil one too. The devil has no power over you. Not when Jesus is the Savior who is on your side. You can’t defeat the devil. You don’t have to. Jesus already did! Once and for all! That’s this Sunday, the Second Sunday in Lent.
I’m attending the Northern Illinois District Convention today and tomorrow. (It was postponed a year due to Covid). Please keep the churches, pastors, lay delegates, and all who represent and serve in your prayers as we conduct business for our District. Our Lay Delegate is our elder, Paul Pasche, who also serves on the NID’s Board of Directors.
One more last reminder that we are no longer requiring masks to be worn in church. If you wish to wear a mask, you are certainly welcome to do so. There’s no judgement one way or the other as we each consider and love others as our Lord has taught us to do.
Take some extra time during this Lenten season to hear God’s Word and receive His gifts. Divine Service is each Wednesday at 7pm and will be a different service than Sunday, with an emphasis on the gifts of Baptism and Confession.
If you’ve adopted a shut-in, I hope you’ve reached out to them in some way to let them know the church remembers them. Let Pastor know how it’s going and thank you for taking on a little something extra for Lent that no doubt means a great deal to those brothers and sisters in Christ!
We’re planning to hold our Easter Egg Hunt on SATURDAY, APRIL 9, at 10:00 AM, for children of all ages. Thanks to our Board of Outreach for bringing it back this year. Look for information about how you can help fill Easter Eggs for the hunt.
Enrollment for next School Year begins this week! If you know anyone with children ages 3 years old through Second Grade, send them our way for more information on our Christ-centered academic excellence!
Peter has moved to a step-down unit, a sign of progress as he continues his recovery with his new lungs. If you’d like to send a card or other well-wishes, you can use the Pollacks’ home address:
6490 Breece Rd
Mount Vernon, OH 43050
You can watch live and find recorded services at the links below:
Our videos are also live and recorded on YOUTUBE HERE.
Call her a dog but she doesn’t care! That woman won’t let Jesus go without Him getting rid of the devil. Just like Jacob didn’t let the Lord go until He blessed Him. That’s how we pray! Grab hold of the Lord and hold Him to His promises. He really is delighted to keep them for you! We’re going to bend His ear this week and rejoice as He keeps all His promises to us! See you in the Divine Service!
In Christ,
Pastor Buetow
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, and NewsNotes from our website here: