How can the most terrible day-the day the Son of God dies-be called Good? Because He dies for you. For me. For the whole world. This is the strange and great mystery of our salvation: that Jesus suffers so horribly and yet by that suffering sets us free from sin and death. Today we remember how the Lamb of God took away the sin of the world: by giving His flesh for the life of the world. For being lifted upon the cross and drawing us all to Him. For His side being pierced so that the water would flow to the font and His blood flow to the chalice and thereby the gifts are given that create and sustain the holy, Christian church. There are so many images and gifts to be seen in the suffering and death of Jesus. There are so many praises and such rejoicing to be given at His resurrection. As we come to the end of another Holy Week, as we hear again of Jesus’ suffering and death and prepare to celebrate His resurrection, I hope and pray you’ll be with us to receive His wonderful gifts. See you in the Lord’s house soon!
Here are the services remaining in our celebration of Holy Week and Easter:
Today, Good Friday – 7pm – The Chief Service with the service of darkness
Saturday – 6pm – The Awe-Inspiring Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday – 7:45am & 10:30am – Festival Divine Services
Easter Sunday Breakfast – 9am – hosted by our Elders
Thank you very much to those who have served this Holy Week and Easter.
Tending our altar – Marge Schwab, Pattie Lewis, Maria Bremer, and Judy Bierman.
Elders – To all of our elders who have served and are cooking breakfast but especially to Ryan Morales (and wife Kathy) in the video booth; Bill Sund playing the organ via the iPad; Preston Robertson for serving many of the services this week.
Special Music – Marla Foerster
There are still positions available for serving. Check the lists on the window outside the church office. Thank you for considering how you can help serve our congregation family!
Our school is now enrolling for next year. If you know anyone with children ages 3 years old through Second Grade, send them our way for more information on our Christ-centered academic excellence!
You can watch live and find recorded services at the links below:
Our videos are also live and recorded on YOUTUBE HERE.
“Was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell. The third day He rose again from the dead.” A few years ago, I asked the students in our school: “What do you think Jesus said to the devil when He descended into hell?” One of them answered: “You can’t catch Me. I’m the God of Life!” What a beautiful and true confession of our Lord’s victory over sin and death. I look forward to celebrating with you today and through this weekend! See you in the Divine Service!
In Christ,
Pastor Buetow
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, and NewsNotes from our website here: