Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Yeah, right! Wait, what? That’s Thomas’ reaction. He didn’t believe when the other Apostle told him they had seen the Lord. Why should he? Would you? It’s not like the other disciples believed it so easily either until Jesus kept appearing to them and showing them how He had fulfilled the Scriptures. This is the important part: the Scriptures! When Jesus says, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believed,” then John proceeds to tell us that all these things are written that we may believe. We have the prophecies and types of the Old Testament fulfilled in Jesus. That’s in the Bible. We have the eyewitnesses who saw Jesus alive after His resurrection. That’s in the Bible. We have those same eyewitnesses proclaiming this Good News in Jerusalem, Judea, and to the ends of the earth. That’s in the Bible too! Don’t let anyone tell you the Bible is just made-up stories or some outdated book. It is the living Word of God, the witness of the prophets to the coming Savior and the witness of the eyewitnesses to that Savior. Even if you haven’t seen with your eyes, God’s Word shows you and the Spirit brings you the faith to believe that Jesus is the Christ and believing, to have life in His Name! That’s this week, the Second Week of Easter.
We’re going to do some planning for our Vacation Bible School, which will be the first or second week of June. Everyone who can and wants to help with VBS is asked to join us NEXT SUNDAY, MAY 1 after worship (No Learning the Faith) for a planning meeting to plan for VBS.
Ladies Guild is at it again, raising money for serving our congregation while helping you clean out your closets! Beginning Sunday, you can bring your bags of clothes (no underwear or socks) and linens and place them in the box in the Narthex. This “Fun”Drive Clothing Drive will last through May 22.
Our Spring Voters Meeting will be SUNDAY, MAY 15, following worship (about 10:15am). The main business items include an update on things around church, and Elections and the Budget for next year. Please plan to take a little time to help contribute to the work and mission of our church and support our volunteers and leaders.
There are still positions available for serving. Check the lists on the window outside the church office. Thank you for considering how you can help serve our congregation family!
Our school is now enrolling for next year. If you know anyone with children ages 3 years old through Second Grade, send them our way for more information on our Christ-centered academic excellence!
You can watch live and find recorded services at the links below:
Our videos are also live and recorded on YOUTUBE HERE.
We live in a world where everything seems to be tested by sight. If we see it, we believe it. What gives us confidence and faith in Jesus isn’t that we can see Him as the Apostles did, but that He gives us the Spirit to believe the testimony of the Holy Scriptures. But that’s not all. The church, the Body of Christ, exists as a living testimony to our risen Savior. The water of the font, the bread and wine of the Supper, the presence of our called pastors who preach, and the Scriptures themselves—all these are proof that our Lord is alive and living and with us always until we do see Him face to face. See you in the Divine Service!
In Christ,
Pastor Buetow
Peter Pollack is home!
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, and NewsNotes from our website here: