This Sunday is known as “Good Shepherd” Sunday. We hear Jesus tell us that He is the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep. Sheep are often pictured as cute, fluffy little animals but when Jesus says we are His sheep and we need a Shepherd, He’s reminding us that sheep are actually pretty stubborn and helpless! Most shepherds, if they can’t rescue their sheep from danger, know that the sheep aren’t worth dying for and they’d run. Not the Good Shepherd. He lays down His life for the sheep. Even though we would wander off and get lost or get into trouble or let a wolf eat us, Jesus gives His life to save ours. It has always been so, that the Lord is our Shepherd. And when He is our Shepherd, we never truly want for anything, because He cares for us in this life, through the valley of the shadow of death, and in His presence forevermore! Good Shepherd Sunday: the Third Sunday of Easter!
Here is funeral information for two of our brothers in Christ who have fallen asleep:
David “Jake” Backhaus
Saturday, April 30 (tomorrow)
Visitation at Colonial McHenry – 10am-2pm
Service at Colonial – 1pm
Bob Wahls
Monday, May 2
Funeral Service at Zion – 11am
Reminder that we’re having a VBS Planning Meeting THIS SUNDAY after church (No Learning the Faith). SCHOOL BOOK FAIR
Our school is having our Spring Scholastic Book Fair. We have lots of books for little ones and young readers. If you’d like to browse the fair, you can do so after church. Alternate, you can shop online to help support our school. the Online Fair can be accessed HERE.
Everyone (not just ladies) is welcome to join the Ladies Guild Tuesday at 7pm.Their guest will be a speaker from the 1st Way LIfe Center. We’ll learn all about the great help and care they give to pregnant women and young mothers. We’re collecting as much as we can so in addition to anything you might bring this week, consider donating items listed in the News Notes. You can even bring them in Monday and Tuesday.
Ladies Guild is at it again, raising money for serving our congregation while helping you clean out your closets! Beginning Sunday, you can bring your bags of clothes (no underwear or socks) and linens and place them in the box in the Narthex. This “Fun”Drive Clothing Drive will last through May 22.
Our Spring Voters Meeting will be SUNDAY, MAY 15, following worship (about 10:15am). The main business items include an update on things around church, and Elections and the Budget for next year. Please plan to take a little time to help contribute to the work and mission of our church and support our volunteers and leaders. SCHOOL ENROLLMENT 2022-23
Our school is now enrolling for next year. If you know anyone with children ages 3 years old through Second Grade, send them our way for more information on our Christ-centered academic excellence!
You can watch live and find recorded services at the links below:
Our videos are also live and recorded on YOUTUBE HERE.
Jesus is the GOOD Shepherd because He lays down His life and takes it up again. He dies for His sheep and rises again to give them eternal life. No other shepherd would do that; no other shepherd could do that! We learn to confess that we are indeed helpless and stubborn sheep. What great news that Jesus is our Shepherd who cares for us from cradle to grave, who gives the still waters of our baptism, the overflowing cup of His Supper and who is Himself the Path of Righteousness that takes us to everlasting life. See you in the Divine Service, sheep!
In Christ,
Pastor Buetow
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, and NewsNotes from our website here: