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Church Email News – May 27, 2022


Friday, May 27, 2022

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Dear Saints of the Lord,

There is a problem with the world. There is a problem with the people in the world. It is their hearts. Born into this sinful world, we are born with dead, stony hearts that only have love for ourselves. It’s why nations invade other nations. It’s why a kid can take a gun and kill other kids. The awful things we see in this world come from stony hearts. The Lord makes a promise through Ezekiel the prophet: “I will sprinkle them with clean water and take out their stony hearts and give them a heart of flesh.” Literally, the only thing that saves us from dead stony hearts is a heart transplant. That is God’s Work. It is the work of the Spirit through Jesus’ gifts, as Jesus tells us: “The Spirit will testify of me.” The Spirit’s job is to point us to Jesus. Only the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world—all sin! – can take us from being dead to being alive, from having a stony heart to a heart of flesh. Ezekiel says the Lord will do this by the sprinkling of water. That’s not a random thought: that’s a promise of what God does in the waters of Holy Baptism. Sunday we’ll gather for the Seventh Sunday of Easter. Once again, the Lord will drag us sinners before Him and remind us that we are forgiven. He has sprinkled us with clean water and has given us new hearts. These are flesh, hearts, living and beating by the breath of the Spirit who has given us new life in the midst of a dying world.

We’ll begin having services at Fish Lake over the Summer beginning THIS Sunday, May 29, 10:30am (Memorial Day weekend). This will be a Communion service (as will Labor Day weekend; no Learning the Faith those days). Thank you to our Elders for coordinating and serving at Fish Lake. If you would like to help lead worship or help with Sunday School/Crafts, please let Pastor or Nick Marcellis know.

Our Vacation Bible School, “God’s Wonder Lab” is June 13-17, 9-11am.Children of all ages are invited! Don’t forget to use your VBS Offering envelopes if you’d like to help contribute toward materials and supplies for our VBS! You can stop by the Office to register your child in advance if you like.

Reminder: We’ll have a VBS Planning Meeting NEXT Sunday, June 5 after worship.

We’re finally going to have the opportunity to welcome new members to Zion, something we have not done since Covid. We have many new members who have come in through baptisms, marriages, transfers and professions of faith. We will welcome them on Sunday, June 12 during worship. Then after the service, we’ll have our summer Church Picnic. Board members and Officers will be providing meats and beverages. Everyone else is asked to bring a side dish, bag of chips, dessert, etc. to share. Let’s take some time for fellowship and welcoming our new members.

Our school is now enrolling for next year. If you know anyone with children ages 3 years old through Second Grade, send them our way for more information on our Christ-centered academic excellence!

The service will not be streamed this week. Please join us in person at 9:00 a.m. or at Fish Lake at 10:30 a.m. You can always watch our previous services on Facebook or YouTube.

We stream live on our FACEBOOK PAGE HERE.

Our videos are also live and recorded on YOUTUBE HERE.


In our Epistle this week, Peter reminds us that the end of all things is near and that we should, above all things, have fervent love for one another. How do we do that? We come and receive Jesus’ gifts. The gift of His body and blood for which we pray that God would strengthen us in “faith toward You and fervent love toward one another.” The Divine Service is our refuge from this crazy world because there we have the Rock and Refuge: Jesus, who forgives and saves and makes all things new. See you in the Divine Service!

In Christ,
Pastor Buetow

Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, and NewsNotes from our website here: