Email: Who is your neighbor? Normally we think of our “neighbor” as any person the Lord puts in our life whom we can serve and help through our daily callings and vocations. But in the story of the Good Samaritan, it may just be that Jesus is showing that He is our neighbor, rescuing us from being attacked by sin and death and bringing us safely into His church! That’s the13th Sunday after Trinity this weekend.
My dad is 70 years old today. We’re going to Louisville to celebrate his birthday with all our family: uncles, cousins, brothers, nieces, and nephews. We’ll be back Sunday evening and I’ll be back in the office on Monday morning. Please note the following:
* There will be NO 8am Bible Study this Sunday.
* There WILL BE Learning the Faith after service at 10:15. Pastor Heinz (who is filling in Sunday) is going to give a presentation about Concordia University Chicago where he serves. Please attend! There will be coffee and treats and Pastor Heinz will talk about the importance of Lutheran higher education.
* We will be collecting a door offering for Concordia University Chicago. Please consider giving toward the Lord’s work there.
School is in full swing after our first week. The ZPN has its first two fundraisers going: Spirit Wear and Mums. Order forms for both are available in the Narthex and both are due after Labor Day. Note that there are Zion Church shirts available too this year!
Rally Day is coming up on Sunday, September 9. We’ll (belatedly) install our new officers and board members and kick off a new year of Learning the Faith, with our catechumens who are preparing to receive their First Communion in the spring. Plan to be there and join us in the study of God’s Word!
Have a great weekend. The Lord gives His gifts from the hands of Pastor Sward (Saturday) and Pastor Heinz (Sunday) this weekend and I’ll see you when we’re back in town!
In Christ, Pastor Buetow
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here: