“…with angels and archangels and all the company of heaven.” So we pray as we prepare to receive Jesus in His Body and Blood. The saints who have gone before us, who are fallen asleep in Jesus, are with Him in paradise and we are with Him at His Supper. November 1 is the Festival of All Saints and along with it the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed. We’ll celebrate this festival this weekend as we hear of the glory of the world to come and as we remember those who have fallen asleep since last year. It’s a wonderful reminder that in Jesus, the church is even larger than what we can see with our eyes!
This weekend is our Higher Things Retreat! We’ll have almost 40 youth here from several different churches starting tonight through Divine Service tomorrow night. Everyone is welcome to come out tonight for the bonfire and Evening Prayer service. That’s around 9:00. Stop by!
Tomorrow, we’ll be packing Operation Christmas Child boxes from 9am-Noon. Everyone is invited to come and help pack and wrap boxes. We’re over half way to our goal of 150 boxes! Stop by and give some time to help with this mission project!
On Veterans Day, Monday, November 12, at 11am, our school will have a brief Veterans Day service. All and especially our veterans are invited to join us. In addition to honors presented outside at the flag by the VFW, we’ll have a cake and punch reception. Let the Office know if you are a veteran or know a veteran that we can recognize and thank for their service.
It’s going to be a great weekend as we hear that Jesus’ gifts aren’t just for this life but for the life to come! We give thanks for the lives of our bothers and sisters in Christ who are now with Jesus face to face. We look forward to the day Jesus comes and makes all things new and we prepare for that day as we gather around His altar to receive gifts.
See you in the Divine Service this weekend.
In Christ, Pastor Buetow
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