Christ has ascended to the right hand of the Father! Yet He is also right here among us, working through the preaching of the Word. By that preaching the Spirit points to Jesus and gives us faith in our Savior. We need this witness because the world hates those who belong to Jesus because it hates Him. No surprise. But that’s why the Holy Spirit is called the Comforter: He comforts us when the world is against us. We’ll hear all about it as we celebrate Exaudi, the Seventh and final Sunday of the Easter season this weekend.
VBS VOLUNTEERS: Please remember our meeting THIS SUNDAY at 11:15(after Learning the Faith). We’ll be getting set for our final preparations and things we need to do next week to get ready for VBS. VBS is JUNE 10-14, 9-11:30 AM. It’s going to be great fun!
Feed the Zion Lion with Caps: We’re kicking off a program to get a new bench for our playground made out of…recycled caps! Start saving your caps from water bottles, Gatorade, containers, milk jugs and more. When we’ve collected 400 pounds, they’ll be recycled into a bench for our playground!
Summer is here, I think… Let’s have some outdoor fun and fellowship SUNDAY, JUNE 9. We’ll meet at Glacial Park, at the Harts Road Shelter. Bring a picnic lunch. After lunch we’ll do some hiking and try to find geocaches nearby. ALL AGES are welcome and you are invited to hike or not as you like. It’s a time of fellowship and synthesizing Vitamin D!
Consider checking out what Higher Things is all about with HIGHER THINGS FOR A DAY, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, at CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY CHICAGO (River Forest) There’s a signup sheet in the narthex and we’ll have more information as the day gets closer. It will be a day of worship, learning the Word, and lots of fun. Check it out if you’ve always wanted to see what the kids enjoy on their Higher Things Conference trips.
One last appeal: I mentioned at the Voters Meeting that we had some families behind on tuition at school. This happens due to various circumstances. I’m confident that students are at our school because the Lord has put them there and we can be a great witness and blessing to their families. If you are willing and able, please consider making a ZION FAMILY GIVING DONATION to help cover these tuition balances. Your gift is appreciated and will be used specifically for church families who have school children.
Zion is an outpost. It’s an outpost of Christ’s kingdom in a hostile world. The world doesn’t want to hear the preaching of repentance and forgiveness in Jesus’ name. But that preaching is our life and salvation. We rejoice to receive so that we may endure all things and be witnesses to Christ’s love in the world.
See you in the Divine Service this weekend!
In Christ, Pastor Buetow
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here: