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Church News September 27, 2019


Friday, September 27, 2019

Dear Members and Friends of Zion,

Six wings! Flaming swords! Guys in white robes! Four-faced creatures with wheels full of eyes! Armies of heavenly servants who do the Lord’s will! Dragons getting kicked out of heaven! What’s it all about? This Sunday is the Feast Day for St. Michael and All Angels. What is an angel? What do they do? Why do we give thanks for them? Find out as we celebrate this festival day and see how these servants of Christ work on our behalf and for the good of our protection against the devil!

We have another SPIRIT WEAR ORDER, this time with some CHURCH shirts. You can get Zion Church shirts in a variety of styles and you can even add “Zion’teer” to show that you’re a helper here! Check out THIS LINK or get a paper order from from the bulletin or in the narthex. Orders are DUE BY: October 9.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD is up and running! This week we are focusing on collecting the items below but you can bring donations of any items as you are able.
For the week of 9/29/19 – 10/6/19:★Wash clothes & bars of soap
★Toy cars, toy trains
★Jump ropes, yo-yos
★Flash lights & batteries
★Glow in the dark items
★Small bags/backpacks
★Small board or cloth books
★Stuffed animals
★Dolls – baby and Barbies – white/brown

SCHOOL CULVER’S NIGHT is coming up. Come out to Culver’s of McHenry on MONDAY, OCTOBER 7 between 4 and 9 PM to support our school. A portion of the meals purchased that night will be returned to our school as ZPN fundraising money. Come out and have some fun and fellowship and support our school!

COLLEGE PARENTS: Let us know your child’s college name and address. We’d like to keep them in our prayers and the Ladies Guild is working on something for our college students near and far.

The Ladies Guild RUMMAGE SALE is almost here. You can bring donations starting on October 7. It’s a great place to get rid of stuff and for a good cause!

We don’t see them but they are here around us doing the Lord’s will. That’s why in the Communion Liturgy we say, “…with the angels, and the archangels and all the company of heaven.” Thanks be to God for St. Michael and all the Lord’s angels!

See you in the Divine Service this weekend!

In Christ,
Pastor Buetow

Practicing for Singing in Church 

Thank you to Outreach for the Ice Cream Social!

Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here: