If there’s one thing that worries us most of all it must be death. We know it’s all around us. We don’t like to think about it yet we can’t escape. But if there’s one thing that the Christian faith gives us above all else, it’s the Good News that Jesus defeated death. He has turned death from the end to a nap, a sleep until He wakes us in the resurrection. As Christians, the more we hear this Good News that death is defeated, the more we’ll be light in the world of death’s darkness, reminding the world that there is a Savior who has taken care of the one thing we cannot. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed, alleluia! It’s like a little Easter this weekend as we celebrate the 16th Sunday after Trinity.
We’re having a YOUTH NIGHT THIS SUNDAY at 5:30pm. High school and local college youth are invited to come out for some food and some fellowship and time in God’s Word. Join us and bring a friend! (We’ll meet in the gym).
Join us for our SCHOOL NIGHT AT CULVER’S OF MCHENRY ON MONDAY, between 4 and 9 PM. Come on out, enjoy some good food, and support our school! Our school gets 15% of the sales that evening. It’s a great and easy way to help our school.
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD is up and running! This week we are focusing on collecting the items below but you can bring donations of any items as you are able.
For the week of 10/6 – 10/13:★Socks
★Hats, sunglasses
★T-shirts, underwear, skirts
★Small tool set
★Shoes & flip flops
★Makeup – older girls or fun play makeup for little girls
This week is the LADIES RUMMAGE SALE. You can bring donations Monday 10/7, Tuesday 10/8, and Wednesday 10/9 between 8:30am and 3:30pm and the sale schedule is as follows: Thursday 10/10 8:00am-5:00pm, Friday 10/11 8:00am-3:00pm, and Saturday 10/12 8:00am-12:00pm.
This coming week, I’m going to have a chance to visit with Rev. Alan Buss, our Northern Illinois District President. PRESIDENT BUSS is a “pastor’s pastor” and I look forward to sharing with him all of the great things the Lord is doing here at Zion. Did you know that Zion gives a portion of our offerings to the Northern Illinois District? It’s how we partner together with other churches to help with missions and supporting other churches beyond our own doors.
It’s a few weeks off, but you can start planning for our Annual TRUNK OR TREAT, on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, at NOON. Since it worked out so well last year, we’re going to do it indoors again, giving everyone a chance to grab treats at tables set up on the gym and down the school hallways. Save the date!
FISH Food Pantry presentation at the Ladies Guild Meeting. FISH Top Needs: Toilet Paper, Personal Hygiene Products, Household Cleaning Products and Canned Meats. We collect items the Second Sunday of each month in the narthex.
FISH Food Pantry Presentation
As your pastor, I want you to be certain about Jesus’ victory over death. I know you worry about death. I know death is scary. I know death is hard to deal with. I hope and pray the Spirit will give you a resolute courage and hope that spits in death’s eye and speaks joyfully about the hope of the resurrection that we have in Jesus. Jesus said, “Eat my flesh and drink my blood and I will raise you up on the last day.” So see you in the Divine Service for that gift this weekend!
In Christ,
Pastor Buetow
Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here: