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Church News October 18, 2019


Friday, October 18, 2019

Dear Members and Friends of Zion,

How many commandments have you kept this week? There are only two answers. According to the Torah, the Law of God, we have not kept a single one. We have neither loved God with our whole hearts nor our neighbors as ourselves. But according to the Good News of Jesus, we have not broken a single one, because He kept them all for us! Jesus loved the Father above all things, doing His will of saving sinners. And by dying for us, He loves us, His neighbors, as Himself. In Jesus, all the commandments are kept and fulfilled and His righteousness is given to you. We’ll hear all about it this weekend as we celebrate the 18th Sunday after Trinity.

LWML Sunday
This weekend, we give thanks for the women and work of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. Their “Mites for Missions” raise a lot of money for projects at home and abroad. Read more about their work in the bulletin insert. Some of our own LWML members are quilters and you can see their work displayed this weekend. These quilts will be shipped all over the world to those in need. Quilt Raffle on Sunday $5 a ticket.

TRUNK OR TREAT is next SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27 at NOON. You are welcome to join us to decorate a table (instead of a car trunk) and pass out candy. We’ll be in the gym and school hallways. Candy is free, of course, but we’ll also have pizza and drinks for sale for lunch. Invite your friends and their kids to join us!

Next Sunday, before Trunk or Treat, we’ll have a special “Learning the Faith”called THE TRUE MEANING OF HALLOWEEN. We’ll learn where this holiday comes from, it’s connection to the church, and why it’s OK for Christians to dress up and get candy! Everyone is welcome to join us, even if you don’t normally come to Learning the Faith.

Keep bringing gifts for our OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD BOXES! This week we are collecting:   ★Soccer balls (deflated with a pump)
★Chalk, small chalk boards
★Small Etch-a-Sketch
★Small puzzles, small games
★Small balls
★Toddler toys (shoe box size)
★Chapter books, activity books

The religious leaders weren’t really sure who Jesus was. The Catechism teaches us what to say about Jesus that is true: He is true God and true man, and He’s our Savior. That’s what we hear when the Lord gathers us together to worship.

See you in the Divine Service!

In Christ,
Pastor Buetow

Download this week’s Bulletin, Daily Devotions, NewsNotes and Volunteer Schedules from our website here: